2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 13

By Jay Cochran on 2008-08-01 in Action Figures

Hasbro's Star Wars brand team agreed to answer three questions from Jedi Insider fans every other week. Here are this week's questions and answers. This is the 13th round for 2008.

JI: Alright guys, I think we've finally worn you down. There was a time when we were told large scale vehicles and playsets don't typically sell well and leave a "footprint" on retail shelves. Fast forward and the BMF is already showing up around the web to an overwhelmingly positive reception, mouths are watering over the coming AT-TE, and you've even got a playset lined up for the Indiana Jones line.

Granted scenes and playsets are more integral to the Indiana Jones universe but if the Akator Temple playset performs well, would that increase the likelihood of seeing more large scale playsets over in the Star Wars brand?

That aside, are there any plans for further deluxe vehicles around the size of the AT-TE and BMF down the pipeline? Just tell me who to bribe to get an Imperial Star Destroyer in the works! This question comes from JI reader die fighting x.

Hasbro: Our stance hasn't changed. The vehicles for this year (Millennium Falcon and AT-TE) are, of course, much more than simple vehicles, and we consider them having playset-like figure interaction, and are greatly aided by the fact they are heavily featured in the entertainment. We will not be pursuing traditional playsets for Star Wars unless there is a compelling scene that presents itself in either Clone Wars or the live action show. The only way we could have done a larger (non-Deluxe) playset for IJ was if we had a good starting place to save on tooling, and luckily we were able to do that.

JI: Dear Hasbro, please include more of the built-in displays that have been coming out with certain vehicles within the last few years. Really have enjoyed the new Y-wing and the recent Zev Seneska snowspeeder. Please keep 'em coming. Request by JI reader Tristan.

Hasbro: Thanks for the good word. Our packaging team has worked hard to make sure the backgrounds add to the fantasy and are as fully-fleshed out as possible, and we intend to keep doing this whenever possible.

JI:Any chance of seeing a Admiral Daala figure, or perhaps a Lumiya? There's definitely a shortage of female figures in the Star Wars Universe, updated Bespin Leia with the new articulation would be nice as well. Question by JI reader Capt Piett.

Hasbro: There is good news on the horizon for Lumiya, as she will be coming in the first wave of 2009 comic packs. As for Bespin Leia, there is a good chance we'll get to her eventually, although she is not in the lineup right now.

If you would like to submit a question for Hasbro to answer, then head over to the new JediInsider Forums and post it. We might select it as a question to be asked in a future Q&A. We will be sending in the next batch of question on August 8.

Also see:

2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 1
2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 2
2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 3
2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 4
2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 5
2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 6
2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 7
2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 8
2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 9
2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 10
2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 11
2008 Q&A Session With Hasbro's Star Wars Brand Team Round 12


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