As we await Hasbro's next batch of official Star Wars reveals set to come next Friday, I have a new
Rumor Report to share with you. Based on intel I have seen we can expect to see a
6" Black Series Carnor Jax figure released in 2021. This should be a fan-channel exclusive release which seems to be part of a theme of comic book based figures Hasbro is doing. I already told you about the rumored
Jaxxon figure as well as a new
Darth Maul figure also slated for the Fan-Channel treatment. Originally I thought the
Maul coming was going to be from the
Clone Wars Animated series, but now it's looking more like it will be based on some version from the comics. Not that I am sure that makes a big difference. There is one other figure I have heard is coming that will share this
Fan-Channel exclusive comic book theme, which is a
Luke Skywalker figure of some kind. I do not know at this time the exact version of
Luke from the comics the figure will be based on.
Hasbro has done 3 3/4" versions of
Carnor Jax before, I don't believe he is considered official Star Wars cannon any longer at this point. I don't know if that is going to change or perhaps because he is a fairly known and popular character
Hasbro was able to get permission to do another figure of him. While we will treat this as
RUMOR until
Hasbro officially confirms it, a 6" figure of him definitely looks to be in the works.
Also I don't have any idea if any of these will be confirmed on the 29th during Hasbro's next Star Wars Live-Stream event. I hope so but we will have to wait and see.
Satam -
2021-05-03 @ 3:56 am
On 4/30/2021 at 7:49 PM, 36009_1529445525 said:I received Kir Kanos today from Gamestop and I can confirm that Hasbro did not fix the packaging error.
LOL. Of course they didn't.
I received Kir Kanos today from Gamestop and I can confirm that Hasbro did not fix the packaging error.
That Darth Maul is awesome, of course I would wish it had bicep swivel and doable joints, but it seems like no go for Star Wars team at this point, It just canbe argued now that thanks topinless tech double jointed are less ugly than one big single joint.
I thought there was something off with the figure not having the inverted colors but I just wrote it off as Hasbro being lazy. I'm glad they picked up on it and may fix it. I'm still a little disappointed that the figure doesn't include an unmasked headsculpt considering that this essentially a repaint.
JayC -
2021-03-19 @ 7:12 pm
Hasbro has confirmed that the recently announced Black Series figure that is listed as Carnor Jax, even on the packaging is actually the character Kir Kanos. We assume Hasbro will fix the packaging before the figures final release in May. You can pre-order the figure now at our sponsor
Based on some of the classic comic charcters and stories published over the years, these Black Series conic packs are now available for pre-order from our sponsor,Big Bad Toy Store
Carnor Jax (Star Wars: Crimson Empire)A student of the dark side and a rising Sith Lord, Carnor Jax was first introduced in 1997s Star Wars: Crimson Empire comic miniseries, written by Mike Richardson and Randy Stradley with art by Paul Gulacy.With an intimidating look based on the classic Imperial guard from Return of the Jedi, Jaxs outfit features salient details, including a purple cape lining.I wasnt familiar with the Crimson Empire comic book series until I started working at Lucasfilm, and if memory serves I did shepherd it through the end of its run, Heddle says.I was a big fan of the series.The very concept of an Imperial guard turning on his brethren was a fantastic idea from writers Mike Richardson and Randy Stradley, and Carnor Jax was a complex villain you loved to hate.One of the coolest aspects of the Crimson Empire series was seeing the red-robed Imperial guards in action, not just standing still as we see them in Return of the Jedi, but rather engaging in furious hand to hand combat.It wasnt like anything Star Wars fans had seen before.So I love seeing this important piece of Star Wars publishing history come to life in this wonderfully-detailed action figure.This Black Series Carnor Jax figure is actually an update to our previously released Black Series Imperial Royal Guard figure, says Franer.In the films we never see the Imperial guards without their cloak, so we based the figures undersuit on Carnor Jaxs outfit.Now, its worked out great to make this update and create this Carnor Jax Black Series figure.He comes with brand new soft goods which feature a striking purple on the interior of the cloak and his iconic double ended vibroblade.We also wanted to pay homage to the cover art for this collection, so we tried to recreate that look as closely as possible for this figure.
Darth Maul (Star Wars: Darth Maul)This version of Darth Maul comes from a 2000 comic series set pre-Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.Written by Ron Marz and pencilled by Jan Duursema, Star Wars: Darth Maul offers a glimpse into Mauls Sith training and sees him dispatched to handle a new threat to his master.It feels like an absolute gift any time we can feature Darth Maul in publishing, and having an action figure of Maul in a costume he has worn only in the comic books is really fun, says Heddle.At this point in the timeline, hes full of rage and drive, and poetic in his athleticism.I love the dynamism of this figure.This is our first time doing the shirtless Darth Maul and showing off the full body tattoo; it is a striking update to an already awesome looking figure! says Farner.We used this opportunity to sculpt up a new head as well, focusing on the bared teeth snarl he has in many of his appearances.
Jaxxon (Star Wars Adventures)Created by Roy Thomas and Howard Chaykin for Marvels 1970s Star Wars comics, the rabbit-like Jaxxon was recently fully adopted into modern continuity thanks to an appearance in a Star Wars Adventures tale by Cavan Scott.A cult favorite for decades, the release of this figure is sure to send fans hopping (pun definitely intended) down the toy aisles.Jaxxon is a legacy character from the very beginning of Star Wars publishing his first appearance was in the original Marvel comics series, issue #8 in 1978, says Heddle.A wise-cracking, tough-as-nails, giant green rabbit whats not to love?For many fans, Jaxxon is the ultimate symbol of that original Marvel run.It was a delight to be able to bring Jaxxon into more recent canon material, but this figure commemorates the character from his very beginnings, as it should.I cant wait to have Jaxxon on my bookshelf.Jaxxon is one of the most unique and fun figures we have ever done and the publishing program was the perfect place to introduce this character, adds Franer.We really wanted to capture his unique silhouette so we tooled up a new head, shoulder pads, and belt to make him look truly unique from any other Black Series figure we have done up until this point.Making a realistic interpretation of the characters portrait was also a fun challenge, especially since he has been seen in so many different styles throughout the years.
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars: Heir to the Empire)Inspired by the comic book adaptation (written by Mike Baron and illustrated by Olivier Vatine) of Timothy Zahns seminal novel, this Luke Skywalker figure depicts the Jedi five years after the events of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.This is an opportunity to have a Luke action figure in a time period that he hasnt appeared in as an action figure before, so thats a real landmark for me both as a member of Lucasfilm Publishing and as a Star Wars fan, says Heddle.This is the Luke we met in our minds eye in 1991, and seeing it brings me right back to that exciting time.Hes an emblem of the decades-long Star Wars publishing legacy.In addition to his lightsaber, Luke comes packed with a ysalamiri a favorite pet of Grand Admiral Thrawn for its Force-blocking abilities.Since the ysalamiri play such a crucial part in the trilogy, it was important to us to get that creature into the line, says Eric Franer, associate product designer, action brands, at Hasbro. We even sculpted the ysalamiri to fit around the neck of our recently released Black Series Archive Grand Admiral Thrawn, so collectors can pose that figure out with the ysalamiri to recreate those iconic moments from the novels and comics.
Carnor Jax is a definite purchase for me, although I would have preferred his look where the colors are inverted, an unhelmeted headsculpt would have been nice too. Hopefully, this means a Kir Kanos is not far behind. I think the Luke Skywalker may be wrong, if I remember correctly this look was when he took the top part of his flight suit off so from the waist down he should have the X-wing pilot outfit; I could be wrong it's been a long time since I read both the Heir to the Empire novel and comic. That said, I may just get it for the Ysalamiri. Darth Maul, while it looks cool is not something that I need to get. Jaxxon is a pass, waste of plastic. Fingers crossed for more characters from the comics.
JayC -
2021-03-18 @ 1:31 pm
We were the first to tell you about these back in January, but now Hasbro has officially revealed via their new wave of 6" Black Series figures based on characters from the comic books. This wave sees Darth Maul, Carnor Jax, Luke Skywalker and Jaxxon. You also get nice collector oriented packaging to celebrate the comics each figure is based on. Look for these to go up for pre-order online at places like our sponsor tomorow (3/19) at 1pm ET. Check out images below.Darth Maul (Star Wars: Darth Maul)This version of Darth Maul comes from a 2000 comic series set pre-Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Written by Ron Marz and pencilled by Jan Duursema, Star Wars: Darth Maul offers a glimpse into Mauls Sith training and sees him dispatched to handle a new threat to his master. It feels like an absolute gift any time we can feature Darth Maul in publishing, and having an action figure of Maul in a costume he has worn only in the comic books is really fun, says Heddle. At this point in the timeline, hes full of rage and drive, and poetic in his athleticism. I love the dynamism of this figure.This is our first time doing the shirtless Darth Maul and showing off the full body tattoo; it is a striking update to an already awesome looking figure! says Farner. We used this opportunity to sculpt up a new head as well, focusing on the bared teeth snarl he has in many of his appearances.Jaxxon (Star Wars Adventures)Created by Roy Thomas and Howard Chaykin for Marvels 1970s Star Wars comics, the rabbit-like Jaxxon was recently fully adopted into modern continuity thanks to an appearance in a Star Wars Adventures tale by Cavan Scott. A cult favorite for decades, the release of this figure is sure to send fans hopping (pun definitely intended) down the toy aisles. Jaxxon is a legacy character from the very beginning of Star Wars publishing his first appearance was in the original Marvel comics series, issue #8 in 1978, says Heddle. A wise-cracking, tough-as-nails, giant green rabbit whats not to love? For many fans, Jaxxon is the ultimate symbol of that original Marvel run. It was a delight to be able to bring Jaxxon into more recent canon material, but this figure commemorates the character from his very beginnings, as it should. I cant wait to have Jaxxon on my bookshelf.Jaxxon is one of the most unique and fun figures we have ever done and the publishing program was the perfect place to introduce this character, adds Franer. We really wanted to capture his unique silhouette so we tooled up a new head, shoulder pads, and belt to make him look truly unique from any other Black Series figure we have done up until this point. Making a realistic interpretation of the characters portrait was also a fun challenge, especially since he has been seen in so many different styles throughout the years.Carnor Jax (Star Wars: Crimson Empire)A student of the dark side and a rising Sith Lord, Carnor Jax was first introduced in 1997s Star Wars: Crimson Empire comic miniseries, written by Mike Richardson and Randy Stradley with art by Paul Gulacy. With an intimidating look based on the classic Imperial guard from Return of the Jedi, Jaxs outfit features salient details, including a purple cape lining. I wasnt familiar with the Crimson Empire comic book series until I started working at Lucasfilm, and if memory serves I did shepherd it through the end of its run, Heddle says. I was a big fan of the series. The very concept of an Imperial guard turning on his brethren was a fantastic idea from writers Mike Richardson and Randy Stradley, and Carnor Jax was a complex villain you loved to hate. One of the coolest aspects of the Crimson Empire series was seeing the red-robed Imperial guards in action, not just standing still as we see them in Return of the Jedi, but rather engaging in furious hand to hand combat. It wasnt like anything Star Wars fans had seen before. So I love seeing this important piece of Star Wars publishing history come to life in this wonderfully-detailed action figure.This Black Series Carnor Jax figure is actually an update to our previously released Black Series Imperial Royal Guard figure, says Franer. In the films we never see the Imperial guards without their cloak, so we based the figures undersuit on Carnor Jaxs outfit. Now, its worked out great to make this update and create this Carnor Jax Black Series figure. He comes with brand new soft goods which feature a striking purple on the interior of the cloak and his iconic double ended vibroblade. We also wanted to pay homage to the cover art for this collection, so we tried to recreate that look as closely as possible for this figure.Luke Skywalker (Star Wars: Heir to the Empire) Inspired by the comic book adaptation (written by Mike Baron and illustrated by Olivier Vatine) of Timothy Zahns seminal novel, this Luke Skywalker figure depicts the Jedi five years after the events of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. This is an opportunity to have a Luke action figure in a time period that he hasnt appeared in as an action figure before, so thats a real landmark for me both as a member of Lucasfilm Publishing and as a Star Wars fan, says Heddle. This is the Luke we met in our minds eye in 1991, and seeing it brings me right back to that exciting time. Hes an emblem of the decades-long Star Wars publishing legacy.In addition to his lightsaber, Luke comes packed with a ysalamiri a favorite pet of Grand Admiral Thrawn for its Force-blocking abilities. Since the ysalamiri play such a crucial part in the trilogy, it was important to us to get that creature into the line, says Eric Franer, associate product designer, action brands, at Hasbro. We even sculpted the ysalamiri to fit around the neck of our recently released Black Series Archive Grand Admiral Thrawn, so collectors can pose that figure out with the ysalamiri to recreate those iconic moments from the novels and comics.
12 hours ago, UsagiYojimbo said:I just finished Legacy: War last night, actually. Yeah, I'd be in for all of the main cast!
Me too, I loved the designs of pretty much everyone and I feel the majority of them would make good figures.
On 2/5/2021 at 6:40 PM, Belmont13 said:I would love a Cade Skywalker figure, pretty much every major character from Stsr Wars Legacy would be a purchase for me.
I just finished Legacy: War last night, actually. Yeah, I'd be in for all of the main cast!