2010 Star Wars Calendars

By Bespin refugee on 2009-10-19 in Action Figures
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
JoeRhyno - 2008-06-22 @ 2:31 pm

JoeRhyno's sick of Evilstar threads, they always go down hill, so before it gets out of hand...

EvilStar - 2008-06-22 @ 2:21 pm
BBQ was Always 2 orange for Dakullprt's Shizzel List. Blowtorch and Bbq stayed at the pit and while the other joes was making blue shirts purple.

LOL!!! TOTALLY with you, Bro.

Especially about Blowtorch & BBQ. Still from the pics BBQ kicks major A. Wish we could get a flamethrower guy who wasn't yellow and red tho. He looks like a schoolbus. But then who effing knows? Maybe Hasbro will make a TOTALLY kick A 25th A fig of BT and it'll blow me too!

EvilStar - 2008-06-22 @ 2:18 pm
And dude, lay off the bull shark testosterone (save some for the rest of us). It's giving you funny balls and made you misspell your own name in your thread header.


Dang, Dude! Sometimes EvilStar gets so effing excited he don't spellcheck. He works better raw and TOTALLY bovine.

But hey! That's what makes EvilStar's threads the s**t round here! They get the most views and responses of any thread and they're the most popular. He TOTALLY owns da joint! So EvilStar must be doing something right!

dakullprt - 2008-06-22 @ 4:21 am

BBQ was Always 2 orange for Dakullprt's Shizzel List. Blowtorch and Bbq stayed at the pit and while the other joes was making blue shirts purple.

Viper Hunter - 2008-06-21 @ 10:46 pm
I agree totally that the more realistic joes are where the money's at. You should keep championing this cause. Push it to the max, because you are a winner, bro. Me and you and some b#tches should roll deep sometime. Winners.

A couple of things:

Short Fuze is a mortar soldier, not a demolitions man. That would be Zap. I would expect a huge fan of the 82-83 characters to know this. Tsk, tsk. But you're still a winner, baby.

When you change your mind, you've done a 180... because a 360 will land you right back where you started, bro. And when BruciEvilStar changes his mind, he does it right... am I right, bro?

And dude, lay off the bull shark testosterone (save some for the rest of us). It's giving you funny balls and made you misspell your own name in your thread header.

oooh snap!

Blackmada - 2008-06-21 @ 10:41 pm
Capt.S.G.Wiseman - 2008-06-21 @ 10:16 pm
I have no idea what is going on in here. All I know is that I don't like it.

I don't blame ya cr0w. Sometimes guys like Evilstar just need to vent. Maybe he'll chill out sooner than later.

Master Thespian - 2008-06-21 @ 10:13 pm

I agree totally that the more realistic joes are where the money's at. You should keep championing this cause. Push it to the max, because you are a winner, bro. Me and you and some b#tches should roll deep sometime. Winners.

A couple of things:

Short Fuze is a mortar soldier, not a demolitions man. That would be Zap. I would expect a huge fan of the 82-83 characters to know this. Tsk, tsk. But you're still a winner, baby.

When you change your mind, you've done a 180... because a 360 will land you right back where you started, bro. And when BruciEvilStar changes his mind, he does it right... am I right, bro?

And dude, lay off the bull shark testosterone (save some for the rest of us). It's giving you funny balls and made you misspell your own name in your thread header.

cr0w - 2008-06-21 @ 9:59 pm

I have no idea what is going on in here. All I know is that I don't like it.

I feel like I'm still doing Brucie's missions in GTAIV.

Capt.S.G.Wiseman - 2008-06-21 @ 9:54 pm
Clam loved the original BBQ back in the 80's. Clam bought the original BBQ the first time. So Clam guesses that means Clam is way totally hardcorer than Evilstar.

Me Cap likes talking in third person like Evilstar. Maybe me Cap should try to BBQ like Evilstar. Maybe then me Cap RULE. @jump# @loll@

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