SDCC Day 1: Lego

By Bespin refugee on 2009-07-24 in SDCC
Here's a look at the Lego display from SDCC, including the upcoming Tantive IV.
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Goldbug - 2008-06-06 @ 7:45 am

OK I checked my order status on the website & it says partially shipped.

Items not shipped:


However the DVD packs & HISS Driver are not marked.

DarthJoe - 2008-06-06 @ 2:28 am

I preorded wave 8 as soon as it came up, along with an extra wave 8 Roadblock.

I just got my wave 7 preorder today, along with the extra wave 8 Roadblock...but no wave 8 case.

Oh yeah...and still no sign of my wave 6 preorder that I made way back in March.

Goldbug - 2008-06-06 @ 2:02 am

I got 2 order shipped emails.

#1 wave 7 I got Spirit, Wild Bill, Duke, & a Viper for the old $5.99 & 10% off price.

order #2 DVD packs & VAMP! + a HISS Driver I wonder if they only sent the HISS driver but the email didn't state that.

Pizza Man Z - 2008-06-05 @ 4:17 pm

I order Artic SE and TF Flint, but I am only getting the Artic SE for now. Luckly, they were my back ups, I found the whole wave 8 set this morning at Wal Mart. Artic SE is freaking sweet!

umanumanamo - 2008-06-05 @ 4:08 pm

Wave 8 is shipping too. I talked to them on the phone yesterday and my Flint and arctic SE is coming.. should arrive tomorrow.

EdHaskell - 2008-06-05 @ 3:13 pm
And here I got all excited because I ordered wave 8 (though I knew I'd have to wait 'til July for them to ship) and then promptly saw EVERY one of them at Target the other day.........!!!!!!!

ALWAYS happens....after months of searching with no luck, broke down and bought a Snow Job and Torpedo off ebay, next day I'm in Walmart buying some groceries and there they are. Same thing happened with Force Unleashed figues and DCDU Classic Aquaman...

yojoebro82 - 2008-06-05 @ 2:46 pm

And here I got all excited because I ordered wave 8 (though I knew I'd have to wait 'til July for them to ship) and then promptly saw EVERY one of them at Target the other day.........!!!!!!!

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