"For over a decade, the firefighters stationed at Lucasfilm's Skywalker Ranch have been participating in the Toys for Tots program, gathering toys for less fortunate youngsters...
In addition to employee donations, Lucas Licensing is also happy to contribute, offering up an annual bounty of Star Wars toys for eager young fans across the country....
2001, Lucas Licensing was able to donate over $1,000,000 worth of toy samples, filling four tractor trailer rigs with toys. While this has been the most significant donation to Toys for Tots made by the company to date, the Licensing Archive digs deep into the Jedi toy bin every year to help as much as they can.
"The Toys for Tots program succeeds because of the generous donations from individuals and the hard work and dedication of heroes in the fire departments and United States Marine Corps Reserve units around the country," says Wendt.
For more information on the Toys for Tots program, visit the
official site here."