Specials listed below are good until December 31, EXCEPT for offers on cases which are good until December 22.
SUPERHEROES: We are taking pre-orders for these Marvel Comics Masks, which are due out in February:
ANIME STATUES: We are offering our anime figures and statues at 1/2 off on shipping, in the U.S.
battle scene statue.
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: We have just learned that FactoryX is running
low on its Buffy Props and Replicas, and will not be making any more after these are sold out. Now as far as we're concerned they make some of the best props and replicas for this license.
Here's a couple of them:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Slayer's Scythe : absolutely essential in battling all vampires and killing turkeys.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Vampyr Book : absultely essential in hiding all your secrets from those weird people that have been following you.
STAR WARS: Animated Leia Maquette : We only have a few of these Beauties in
stock. Animated Darth Vader Maquette : We are expecting a shipment next week.
THE LORD OF THE RINGS: For all of you Lord of the Rings people out there, we are offering the LOTR Gandalf Mini Bust with free shipping if you order before December 31.
GI JOE: There are a fair number of new busts and statues on the way for all of you
GI Joe fans. Here are a few, order yours now and get 1/2 off on shipping.
CASES: Offer good until December 22, 2006
If you have not done so, please check out our cases and assortments! Like now, and order some, because they are a wicked steal, yo!
Here's an example:
BATMAN KIA ASAMIYA SERIES 1 ACTION FIGURE MASTER CASE: Not only are these from Japan, and really cool, but you get 2 sets for $26.20. That's 8 figures, just for you and tiny Tim.
BATMAN KIA ASAMIYA SERIES 2 AF MASTER CASE: same as the deal above. Take them both!
DARK KNIGHT RETURNS ACTION FIGURES MASTER CASE: This is two cases of The Dark Knight Returns, two of each figure for $27.
FIRST APPEARANCE SERIES 2 MASTER CASE ASST: 2 sets of this series will cost you an astoundingly low price of $43.