Counting Down To Hasbro's 500th 3 3/4" Star Wars Figure

By Jay Cochran on 2005-04-24 in Action Figures

If you haven't heard already, Hasbro is celebrating the release of their 500th 3 3/4" Star Wars action figure with this upcoming new Darth Vader with Special Meditation Chamber Packaging.

Now many of you have wanted to know exactly what are the 499 figures previously released leading up to this 500 milestone? Well we put our very own Bespin refugee up to the task of tring to come up with that list for you. Now this list didn't include any deluxe/multi-packs, pack-in's, exclusives, or repacks, Also we didnt include the VOTC figures. We can't say if this is the same exact listing of figures Hasbro used to get 500, but none-the-less thought you would be interested in the results.

Here is a color legend to depeict what series each figure falls under

Vintage Kenner
Power of the Force 2
Shadows of the Empire
POTF2/Power of the Jedi
Episode 1
Saga/E2/Clone Wars
Orginal Trilogy Collection
Revenge of the Sith

001. Luke Skywalker
002. R2-D2
003. Princess Leia Organa
004. Chewbacca
005. C-3PO
006. Darth Vader
007. Stormtrooper
008. Han Solo
009. Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
010. Sandpeople
011. Jawa
012. Death Squad Commander
013. Greedo
014. Walrus Man
015. Hammerhead
016. Snaggletooth
017. Luke (X-Wing)
018. R5-D4
019. Death Star Droid
020. Power Droid
021. Boba Fett
022. Luke (Bespin)
023. Leia (Bespin Gown)
024. Han (Hoth)
025. Bossk
026. IG-88
027. Rebel Soldier (Hoth)
028. FX-7
029. Snowtrooper
030. Lando Calrissian
031. Bespin Guard
032. Yoda
033. Leia (Hoth)
034. Rebel Commander (Hoth)
035. AT-AT Driver
036. 2-1B
037. Imperial Commander
038. Ugnaught
039. Lobot
040. Dengar
041. Han (Bespin)
042. C-3PO (Removable Limbs)
043. R2 (Sensorscope)
044. Luke (Hoth)
045. AT-AT Commander
046. Cloud Car Pilot
047. Bespin Guard II
048. Zuckuss
049. 4-LOM
050. Tie-Pilot
051. Adm. Ackbar
052. Gammorean Guard
053. Luke (Jedi Knight)
054. Weequay
055. Squid Head
056. Chief Chirpa
057. Logray
058. Klaatu
059. Rebel Commando
060. General Madine
061. Lando (Skiff Guard Disguise)
062. Biker Scout
063. Nein Nunb
064. Emperor
065. Ree-Yees
066. Bib Fortuna
067. Nikto
068. 8-D8
069. Leia (Endor Poncho)
070. Wicket
071. Rancor Keeper
072. Klaatu (Skiff)
073. Lumat
074. Leia Boussh
075. Emp. Royal Guard
076. Romba
077. Imperial Gunner
078. Anakin
079. Imperial Dignitary
080. Warok
081. Paploo
082. Kea Moll
083. Thall Joben
084. Jann Tosh
085. C-3PO
086. Tig Fromm
087. B-Wing Pilot
088. AT-ST Driver
089. Han Trenchcoat
090. Teebo
091. Prune Face
092. Jord Desat
093. Romba
094. Luke Poncho
095. R2 (Pop-Up Lightsaber)
096. Amanaman
097. Barada
098. Kez-Iban
099. Luke (Stormtrooper)
100. Han Solo in Carbonite
101. Sise Fromm
102. EV-9D9
103. R2-D2
104. A-Wing Pilot
105. Lando General
106. Yakface
107. Uncle Gundy
108. Dulok Scout
109. King Gorneesh
110. Dulok Shaman
111. Logray
112. Wicket
113. Urgah Lady Gorneesh
114. Ben Kenobi
115. Chewbacca
116. Darth Vader
117. Han Solo
118. Luke Skywalker
119. R2-D2
120. Stormtrooper
121. Princess Leia
122. C-3PO
123. Boba Fett
124. Lando Calrissian
125. Luke (X-Wing)
126. Han (Hoth)
127. Luke (Dagobah)
128. Tie-Fighter Pilot
129. Yoda
130. Chewbacca (Bounty Hunter)
131. Dash Rendar
132. Han (Carbonite)
133. Leia (Boussh)
134. Luke (Imperial Guard)
135. Luke (Jedi Knight)
136. Prince Xizor
137. Death Star Gunner
138. Greedo
139. Sandtrooper
140. Jawas
141. Luke (Stormtrooper)
142. Momaw Nadon
143. R5-D4
144. Tusken Raider
145. AT-ST Driver
146. Bossk
147. Hoth Rebel Trooper
148. Luke (Hoth)
149. 2-1B
150. Bib Fortuna
151 Emperor Palpatine
152. Han (Endor)
153. Lando (Skiff)
154. Rebel Fleet Trooper
155. Garindan
156. Grand Moff Tarkin
157. Ponda Baba
158. Weequay
159. Bespin Han Solo
160. Leia (Jabba's Prisoner)
161. Admiral Ackbar
162. ASP-7
163. Dengar
164. 4-LOM
165. EV-9D9
166. Gamorrean Guard
167. Malakili
168. Nein Nunb
169. Saelt Marae
170. Emperor's Royal Guard
171. Snowtrooper
172. Luke (Ceremonial)
173. Bespin Luke
174. Endor Rebel Soldier
175. Lando (General)
176. Leia (Endor Celebration)
177. Biggs Darklighter
178. Ewoks
179. Lak Sivrak
180. Capt. Piett
181. Vader (Removable Helmet)
182. Ishi Tib
183. Zuckuss
184. C-3PO w/ Rem. Limbs
185. Luke (Blast Shield Helmet)
186. Princess Leia (rescuplt)
187. R2-D2 (Datalink & Sensorscope)
188. Deathstar Trooper
189. Ree Yees
190. Ugnaughts
191. 8D8
192. Chewbacca
193. Lobot
194. Mon Mothma
196. Orrimaarko
197. Clone Emperor
198. Imperial Sentinel
199. Luke - Dark Jedi
200. Mara Jade
201. Princess Leia - Jedi
202. Dark Trooper
203. Kyle Katarn
204. Grand Adm. Thrawn
205. Spacetrooper
206. Flashback Ben Kenobi
207. Chewbacca
208. Darth Vader
209. Emperor Palpatine
210. Luke (Ancorhead)
211. Princess Leia
212. R2-D2 (Pop-Up Lightsaber)
213. Yoda
214. Anakin Skywalker
215. Aunt Beru
216. C-3PO (Shopworn)
217. Anakin (Tatooine)
218. Battle Droid
219. Darth Maul
220. Jar Jar Binks
221. Obi-Wan
222. Padme' Naberrie
223. Queen Amidala
224. Qui-Gon Jinn
225. C-3PO
226. Darth Sidious
227. Ric Olie'
228. Senator Palpatine
229. Watto
228. Boss Nass
229. Chancellor Valorum
230. Gasgano
231. Ki-Adi Mundi
232. Mace Windu
233. Darth Maul (Tatooine)
234. Obi-Wan (Naboo)
235. Queen Amidala (Coruscant)
236. Qui-Gon (Naboo)
237. Destroyer Droid
238. Nute Gunray
239. Rune Haako
240. R2-D2
241. Yoda
242. Captain Tarpals
243. Ody Mandrell
244. OOM-9
245. Comm-Tech Greedo
246. Comm-Tech Han Solo
247. Comm-Tech Luke Skywalker
248. Comm-Tech R2 -D2
249. Jawa & Gonk
250. Anakin (Naboo)
251. Capt. Panaka
252. Naboo Royal Security
253. CT Stormtrooper
254. CT Darth Vader
255. Adi Galli
256. Qui-Gon Jinn
257. Anakin (Pilot)
258. Darth Maul (Sith Lord)
259. Obi-Wan (Jedi Knight)
260. Darth Sidious (Holograph)
261. Naboo Royal Guard
262. R2-B1
263. TC-14
264. Destroyer Droid (Damaged)
265. Jar Jar Binks (Swamp)
266. Adm. Motti
267. CT Princess Leia
268. Pit Droids
269. Queen Amidala (Assention Gun)
270. Sio Bibble
271. AT-AT Driver
272. Pote Snitkin
273. Princess Leia (Hoth Gear)
274. Wuher
275. Battle droid (Security)
276. Chewbacca (Dejarik)
277. Mas Ameda
278. Coruscant Guard
279. Tusken Raider
280. Anakin (Mechanic)
281. Darth Maul
282. R2-D2 (Naboo Escape)
283. Obi-Wan (Cloak)
284. General Leia
285. Qui-Gon (Moisture Farmer)
286. Jek Porkins
287. Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi [ANH]
288. Darth Vader (Dagobah)
289. Gungan Warrior
290. Boss Nass
291. Fode & Beed
292. Sebulba
293. Han Bespin
294. Battle Droid - Boomer Damage
295. Biker Scout
296. Mon Calamari
297. K-3PO
298. IG-88
299. Plo Koon
300. Boba Fett
301. Aurra Sing
302. Chewbaaca- Falcon Mech.
303. Bespin Escape Leia
304. Theed Inv. Amidala
305. Saesee Tinn
306. D. Maul
307. Jar Jar - Tatooine
308. Lando - Besp. Esc.
309. R2-Q5
310. Tessek
311. Cold Weather Obi-Wan
312. Jedi Armor Obi-Wan
313. Jedi Armor Qui-Gon
314. Sandtrooper
315. Bespin Guard
316. Duros
317. Ketwol
318. Sabe'
319. Shmi Skywalker
320. Emp. Wrath Vader
321. Han DS Esc
322. Luke X-Wing
323. FX-7
324. Imp. Officer
325. Reb. Trooper
326. Queen's Decoy
327. Eeth Koth
328. Zutton
329. Bo Shek
330. R4- M9
331. Teebo
332. Preview Clonetrooper
333. Preview Jango Fett
334. Preview R3-T7
335. Preview Zam

334. Anakin Skywalker (Outland Peasant Disguise) [02/01]
336. Padme' Amidala (Arena) [02/02]
337. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Coruscant Chase) [02/03]
338.C-3PO [02/04]
339. Kit Fisto [02/05]
340. Super Battle Droid [02/06]
341. Boba Fett (Kamino) [02/07]
342. Tusken Raider Female w/ Tusken Child [02/08]
343. Captain Typho [02/09]
344. Shaak Ti [02/10]
345. Battle Droid [02/11]
346. Plo Koon [02/12]
347. Jango Fett (Kamino)[02/13]
348. R2-D2 (Coruscant) [02/14]
349. Geonosian Warrior [02/15]
350. Dexter Jettster [02/16]
351. Clonetrooper [02/17]
352. Zam Wesell [02/18]
353. Royal Guard [02/19]
354. Saesee Tiin [02/20]
355. Nikto [02/21]
356. Anakin Skywalker (Hangar Duel) [02/22]
357. Yoda [02/23]
358. Jar Jar Binks [02/24]
359. Taun We [02/25]
360. Luminara Unduli [02/26]
361. Count Dooku [02/27]
362. Mace Windu [02/28]
363. Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel) [02/29]
364. Darth Vader (Bespin Duel) [02/30]
365. Jango Fett (Final Battle) [02/31]
366. Qui Gon Jinn [02/32]
367. Endor Rebel Soldier [02/33]
368. Massiff w/ Geonosian Handler [02/34]
369. Orn Free Ta [02/35]
370. Obi-Wan Kenobi (starfighter pilot) [02/36]
371. Han Solo (Endor Raid) [02/37]
372. Chewbacca w/ C-3PO (Bespin escape) [02/38]
373. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine [02/39]
374. Djas Puhr [02/40]
375. Padme' Amidala (Coruscant Arrival) [02/41]
376. Darth Maul (Sith Training) [02/42]
377. Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine Attack) [02/43]
378. Ki-Adi Mundi 02/44]
378. Ephant Mon [02/45]
379. Teemto Pagalies [02/46]
380. Jango Fett (Pilot) [02/47]
381. Clone Trooper (Gunship Pilot) [02/48]
382. Destroyer Droid [02/49]
383. Watto [02/50]
384. Lott Dodd [02/51]
385. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Acklay Battle) [03/01]
386. Mace Windu (Arena Confrontation) [03/02]
387.Darth Tyranus (Geonosian Escape) [03/03]
388. Padme' Amidala (Droid Factory) [03/04]
389. SP-4 & JN-66 [03/05]
390. Tusken Raider [03/06]
391. Anakin Skywalker (Secret Ceremony) [03/07]
392. Boba Fett (Pit of Carkoon) [03/08]
393. R2-D2 (Droid Factory) [03/09]
394. Lama Su with Clone Youth [03/10]
395. Aayla Secura [03/11]
396. Barriss Offee [03/12]
397. Han Solo (Hoth Rescue) [03/13]
398. Chewbacca (Mynock Hunt) [03/14]
399. Yoda & Chian [03/15]
400. Ashla & Jempa [03/16]
401. Luke Skywalker (Throne Room Duel) [03/17]
402. Darth Vader (Throne Room Duel) [03/18]
403. Snowtrooper [03/19]
404. Padme' Amidala in Wedding Dress [03/22]
405. Wat Tambor [03/23]
406. Coleman Trebor [03/24]
407. WA-7 [Dexter's Diner] [03/28]
408. Lt. Dannl Faytonni [03/29]
409. The Emperor [03/30]
410. Bail Organa [03/33]
411. McQuarrie Concept Stormtrooper [03/34]
412. Imperial Dignitary: Janus Greejatus [03/35]
413. Padme' Amidala [Lars' Homestead] [03/36]
414. Achk Med-Beq [03/37]
415. Ayy Vida [Outlander Nightclub] [03/38]
416. Obi-Wan Kenobi [Outlander Nightclub] [03/39]
417. Elan Sleazebaggano [03/40]
418. Imperial Dignitary: Kren Blista-Vanee [03/41]
419. CW Anakin Skywalker [03/42]
420. CW ARC Trooper [03/43]
421. CW Yoda 03/44]
422. CW Obi-Wan Kenobi [03/45]
423. CW Durge [03/46]
424. CW Asajj Ventress [03/47]
425. CW Mace Windu [03/48]
426. CW Clonerooper
427. CW Kit Fisto
428. CW Saesee Tiin
429. Hoth Soldier [04/01]
430. R3-PO [04/02]
431. Luke Skywalker [Hoth Attack] [04/03]
432. Luke Skywalker [Jabba's Palace] [04/04]
433. R2-D2 [Jabba's Sail Barge] [04/05]
434. R1-G4 [04/06]
435. Lando Calrissian [Jabba's Sail Barge] [04/07]
436. Rappertunie [04/08]
437. J'Quile [04/09]
438. Tanus Spijek [04/10]
439. Holographic Luke Skywallker [04/11]
440. General Jan Dodonna [04/12]
441. Dutch Vander: Gold leader [04/13]
442. Tie-Fighter Pilot [04/14]
443. Captain Antilles [0415]
444. Admiral Ozzel [04/16]
445. Dengar [04/17]
446. Bossk [04/18]
447. Han Solo [AT-ST Driver] [04/19]
448. General Madine [04/20]
449. General Lando Calrissian [04/21]
450. OTC Dag Luke
451. Yoda
452. Spirit of Obi-wan
453. Dag R2-D2
454. Besp. Leia
455. Car Pilot
456. Lobot
457. Celebration Amidala
458. Padme' Handmaiden
459. Wookie Senator Tarua
460. Pablo Jill
461. Sly Moore
462. Dannik Jerriko
463. Feltipern Trevagg ("Goatal")
464. Myo ("Cyclops")
465. Sneak Preview - General Grievous
466. Sneak Preview - Tion Medon
467. Sneak Preview - Wookiee Warrior
468. Sneak Preview - R4-G9
469. Obi-Wan Kenobi ('Slashing Attack')
470. Anakin Skywalker
471. Yoda
472. Super Battle Droid
473. Chewbacca ('Wookie Rage')
474. Clone Trooper
475. R2-D2 ('Droid Attack')
476. Grievous' Bodyguard
477. General Grievous
478. Mace Windu ('Force Combat')
479. Darth Vader
480. Emperor Palpatine ('Firing Force Lightning')
481. Count Dooku
482. Chancellor Palpatine
483. Bail Organa
484. Plo Koon
485. Battle Droid
486. C-3PO
487. Padme'
488. Agen Kolar
489. Shaak Ti
490. Kit Fisto
491. Royal Guard
492. Mon Mothma
493. Tarfful (Firing Bowcaster)
494. Yoda (Spinning Attack)
495. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Kick)
496. Anakin Skywalker (Slashing Attack)
497. Ki-Adi-Mundi (Jedi Master)
498. Saesee Tiin (Jedi Master)
499. Luminara Unduli (Jedi Master)
500. Darth Vader w/ Meditation Chamber
501. Aayla Secura (Jedi Knight)
502. Clone Commander
503. Clone Pilot
504. Palpatine
505. General Grievous
506. Tri-Droid (Chopper Droid)
507. AT-TE Tank Gunner (Clone Army)
508. Polis Massan (Medic)
509. Mas Amedda (Republic Senator)
510. Clone Trooper (Super Articulation)
511. Neimodian Warrior (Neimodian Weapon Attack)
512. Wookiee Warrior (Wookiee Battle Bash)
513. Destroyer Droid (Firing Arm Blaster)
514. Tarkin (Governor)
515. Ask Aak (Senator)
516. Meena Tills (Senator)
517. R2-D2
518. Commander Baccarra
519. Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar
520. Captain Antilles
521. Zett Jukassa
522. Utapauan Warrior
523. Turbo Tank Driver
524. Mustafar Sentry/ Flea Rider
525. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Red Leader)

So there you have it. Again this isn't a 100% confirmed list but based on Bespin refugee research this is what we came up with. Thanks to him for putting it together.

Also be sure to Click here and check out our Celebration III Coverage from this past weekend.


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