Sale Alert: BigBadToyStore Clearance Sale Happening Now!

By toynewman on 2024-11-07 in Action Figures
Our sponsor BigBadtoyStore is having a clearance sale on 1000s of items! Featuring Super7, Star Wars, Comic Figures, Tamashii Nations and more!
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
MagnaPrime - 2024-11-19 @ 12:25 am

They got me with that masterverse netflix skeletor this week.

Roadpigmaster - 2024-11-12 @ 3:15 pm

I bought today the Revolution Skeletor which looks vee cool man...?????

deecee4 - 2024-11-11 @ 4:47 pm

This week's sales drop is quite juicy, i have to say.

Lord_Scareglow - 2024-11-11 @ 4:20 am

Yeah sad that really nothing like this happens on Canadian sites but when it does, not much of a drastic mark down, Once in a while BBTS or EE have some really remarkable deals that are worth it for a Canadian, I have had some fantastic buys , but the exchange rate plus shipping usually makes these sales pretty non existent for us across the border really worth going for, I browsed a bit but seems fairly dismal, hey if I was a US resident some of these prices may have been neat.

deecee4 - 2024-11-09 @ 12:32 am
21 hours ago, MagnaPrime said:

Honestly, a lot of these prices just aren't that good. I've seen a lot of these items up for less on one day sales at BBTS. I'd love to send them some cash this holiday season, but this just isn't going to do it.

Yeah, so far, it looks like quite a lot of this sale is made up of items from previous sales. Best deal I saw was Super 7 LJN Mumm-Ra for $45. I'd be all over that if I didnt already have it.

MagnaPrime - 2024-11-08 @ 3:22 am

Honestly, a lot of these prices just aren't that good. I've seen a lot of these items up for less on one day sales at BBTS. I'd love to send them some cash this holiday season, but this just isn't going to do it.

80sboy4 - 2024-11-08 @ 12:58 am

Nice, end of year clearances. Will definitely check this out.

BigGMonsterMan - 2024-11-07 @ 10:57 pm

I really love when these sales come up.

Especially when I'm trying to heal my credit card after all the abuse I've put it through...

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