New Star Wars: The Bad Batch And Mandalorian Black Series Figures Rumored To Be On The Way?

By Bespin refugee on 2021-09-29 in Action Figures

Yakface shares a new list of Black Series figures based on Bad Batch and The Mandalorian; Ahsoka Tano, The Client, Death Watch Mandalorian, Echo, and Omega.


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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
JangDangus - 2021-10-22 @ 6:21 am

The more the merrier, bring it!

memocromatico - 2021-09-30 @ 12:23 am

Echo, Ahsoka and Omega are musts for me

Satam - 2021-09-29 @ 7:18 pm
1 hour ago, Belmont13 said:

That's an interesting lineup, not a lot that interests me personally. I'm starting to think there is some sort of incentive for Hasbro to make figures from the Disney plus shows. I understand that The Mandalorian is almost universally loved but geez spread the love around to some other areas of the SW universe.

Belmont13 - 2021-09-29 @ 6:08 pm

That's an interesting lineup, not a lot that interests me personally. I'm starting to think there is some sort of incentive for Hasbro to make figures from the Disney plus shows. I understand that The Mandalorian is almost universally loved but geez spread the love around to some other areas of the SW universe.

Bespin refugee - 2021-09-29 @ 3:24 pm
New Star Wars: The Bad Batch And Mandalorian Black Series Figures Rumored To Be On The Way?Yakfaceshares a new list of Black Series figures based onBad BatchandThe Mandalorian;Ahsoka Tano,The Client,Death Watch Mandalorian,Echo, andOmega.
Satam - 2021-09-08 @ 2:03 am
50 minutes ago, memocromatico said:

I hope we get a mercenary Mayfield. That elbow blaster was perfect to make it into action figure uniquely.

I'd be incredibly surprised if it's not Mayfeld in Juggernaut pilot uniform. Body from the tank trooper, belt from the shore trooper, green paint, new head. Cheapest figure in a long time.

memocromatico - 2021-09-08 @ 1:22 am

I hope we get a mercenary Mayfield. That elbow blaster was perfect to make it into action figure uniquely.

Belmont13 - 2021-09-07 @ 7:07 pm

Not bad choices but I'd rather have a video game version of the HK assassin droids. I want to say I'm excited a Mandalorian series Luke but I kind of want it to be perfect with a great likeness updated body mold and no glossy paint in the face but I'm worried Hasbro might phone it in.

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