Hasbro Star Wars Fan-First Live-Stream (9/8) Coverage - Vintage Collection, Black Series And Haslab Razorcrest Update

By Jay Cochran on 2021-09-08 in Action Figures
Hasbro today is holding a new live-stream with the Star Wars brand team.

We will be providing updates here for new product reveals as they happen so be sure to refresh your browser over the course of the next hour.

On the team is Patrick, Jing and Chris.

New Prototype 3.75" Stormtrooper with 6 different color variations. This one will also include different colored blasters. This will be a Target exclusive available for pre-order tomorrow at 1pm ET.

Black Series Gaming Greats Gamestop exclusive Battlefront 2 Jet Trooper using the new clone body. Also be up at 1pm ET tomorrow for pre-order

Vintage Collection Carbonized Black Series The Mandalorian figures with 4 new ones. The Armorer, Incinerator Trooper, Moff Gideon and Shore Trooper. These will be Walmart exclusives and go up for pre-order on 10/7 at 1pm ET.

Black Series Credit Collection 5 new figures - Mandalorian with blue highlights and be an Amazon exclusive up for pre-order tomorrow at 1pm ET. Kuiil also an Amazon exclusive. Greef Karga will be a fan-channel exclusive available tomorrow. Moff Gideon will be at Best Buy. The Armorer will be a Gamestop exclusive available tomorrow.

Black Series Mud Covered Mandalorian and Grogu that will have Mud Horne Egg. Grogu will have a new headsculpt. This will be a Target exclusive but not going up for pre-order tomorrow.

Vintage Collection Troop Building Assortment will include Imperial Stormtrooper.WIll have 4 troopers with different weapons and one commander. These are like the Marvel Legends army builder figures. This will be a Pulse and Shop Disney exclusive and be up for pre-order tomorrow at 1pm.

Mainline Vintage Collection reveals - Emperor Palpatine from ROTJ. This will have a different headsculpt from the summer Pulse-Con exclusive. The number is 200. Lobot. ROTJ Bib Fortuna, These will be up for pre-order tomorrow everywhere.

Force Effects Elite Line Rey Skywalker Lightsaber.

Pipeline Reveals - Black Series Archives Wave - ROTJ Emperor Palpatine, Lando Skiff Guard, C-3PO ANH and Dengar

Vintage Collection Pipeline - ESB Yoda, Clone Trooper 501st both ar re-packs. New figures include Mandalorian Deathwatch Airborne Trooper, Figrin Dan

Pipeline Force Elite Reveal Rise of Skywalker Leia Lightsaber.

Haslab Razorcrest now expected to ship to folks in January 2022. Also showed the packaging.

Vintage Collection IG-11, Lando, Teebo and Emperor will go up for pre-order tomorrow at 1pm ET. This includes the Emperor that revealed today. This will be available everywhere.

The Vintage Collection Rogue One X-Wing won't go up for pre-order and be released straight to shelves.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Nosferatuman62172 - 2021-09-09 @ 9:39 am

I'm most excited for the archive figures, so that says alot about these reveals. I'm guessing that they're saving the good stuff for pulse con.

Belmont13 - 2021-09-08 @ 7:33 pm

Meh, Meh and a whole lot of Meh. At first glance I thought that credit Mandalorian was a new character, a member of The Tribe. The only way that mud covered Mandalorian would be a good idea if it came in a set with a Mudhorn. So many characters in this universe and we get flooded with repaints.

graycloakranger - 2021-09-08 @ 5:23 pm

I seriously need some Mandorlorian Dark Troopers already.

Satam - 2021-09-08 @ 3:50 pm

That was underwhelming.

JayC - 2021-09-08 @ 2:56 pm

Today's live-stream

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