Rumor Report: Black Series 6" Ponda Baba and Cornelius Evazan Figures Coming In 2021

By Jay Cochran on 2021-01-11 in Action Figures
Since others are starting to catch up on our previous Rumor Report of a Black Series Jaxxon figure which we told you about at the end of the year, I figured now was as good a time as any to let you know about two more figures that based on info I have seen will be coming to Hasbro's 6" Black Series line in 2021. Ponda Baba and Dr. Cornelius Evazan who first appeared in A New Hope and then later was featured briefly during Rogue One.

These two figures should be regular releases and should be in the same wave as the trilogy flashback Luke and Leia that we also previously reported on. I don't know if Cornelius and Baba which I prefer to call Walrus Man will be based on their Rogue One or New Hope appearances. Not that I think it matters much, but if I had to guess I would say Rogue One since there are indications of other Rogue One figures coming this year like Bodhi Rook.

As always we will treat these as RUMOR until Hasbro gets around to officially confirming them.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
ghostbogey - 2021-01-12 @ 10:57 am

All they have to do....

Is make them chase figs...

Put a Ponda Baba and Dr. Cornelius into 1 case every 3000 cases, for the black series...

Let them churn.....and Boom Bam!!!! Ponda and the Doc are the talk of the Collector World!!!!!

Think of the advertising possibilities!!! Collectors doing anything to get them!!!!

No???? Well...Sorry Ponda....Sorry Doc..

Get ready for fig life as "peg warmers" =^)

Bespin refugee - 2021-01-11 @ 11:06 pm

Personally, I like having background "(diorama filler) figures, at least in 3 3/4" scale; I don't have many loose 6" figures though. At least these two actually interacted with the main characters..;)

Satam - 2021-01-11 @ 6:16 pm

I didn't even want these guys when I was a little kid.

Belmont13 - 2021-01-11 @ 5:05 pm

This falls under the category of it was cool get them back when I collected 4" Star Wars figures but I don't find them significant enough to get them for the Black Series line. I know everything from the Original Trilogy sell, so these will most probably do well but I'm going to skip them.

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