New Star Wars Select Disney Store Exclusive 7" Boba Fett Figure In-Hand Images

By Jay Cochran on 2020-10-15 in Action Figures
Our friend Huston sends us these images of the new Star Wars Select Disney Store Exclusive 7" Boba Fett from Diamond Select Toys. The figure is selling for $29.99 and has started hitting stores now. It should also soon be offered on the ShopDisney website. The figure comes with riffle, extra hands, flame thrower effect piece, jetback blast effect pieces and laser blast effect piece for his gun. Huston says the jetback is not removable but that it is a very nicely detailed and cool looking figure. Check out all the images below.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Belmont13 - 2020-10-26 @ 11:38 pm

I'll pass I don't really like the look of that Darth Maul head. I'll stick with my Black Series one.

Satam - 2020-10-25 @ 3:46 pm

Good to see that the bent-ass range finder isn't a widespread Boba Fett issue.

JayC - 2020-10-23 @ 2:46 pm
The new Star Wars Select 7" Boba Fett and Darth Maul figures from Diamond Select Toys are available for purchase on the Disney website. These figures cost $24.99 online.Boba Fett comes with a blaster, blast effect, flamethrower effect, twin jet thruster effects and alternate hand.Darth Maul comes with a twin-bladed lightsaber with removable blades and a removable connector peg for double lightsaber action, alternate hands, and deflecting laser effect.Check out official images for both below.

SpiderS - 2020-10-23 @ 2:46 am

So far it seems like Hasbro 6 inch figures arebetter but I have to see reviews first, but it is missed opportunity that DS didn't integrateMaul's cloakin any form, I don't think it would be that expensive + their packaging is perfect for that. As for Boba I think they should have given him double jointed elbows to further differentiate from Black series figure, so far it seems his range is under 90 degrees, which is disappointing.

Belmont13 - 2020-10-22 @ 11:51 pm
2 hours ago, Satam said:

I'm sure it's just the photo, but Maul's face is reminding me a little bit of Danny DeVito in that shot.

Why did I think of the Danny Devito gun meme when I read this? Replace the guns with a double bladed lightsaber: "So anyway I started swinging".

Satam - 2020-10-22 @ 9:17 pm

I'm sure it's just the photo, but Maul's face is reminding me a little bit of Danny DeVito in that shot.

JayC - 2020-10-22 @ 8:48 pm
No sooner did the new Star Wars Select 7" Boba Fett figure from Diamond Select Toys start hitting shelves that we already get a look at the next figure in the line. Shown below via kylocollector is a look at the new Maul which was found in a Disney Store in Oxford Street, London, England.Maul looks to come with 3 pairs of hands, double bladed lightsaber with two different sets of blades and blast effects. This one should be out in the US at some point, and like Fett is being sold as a Disney store exclusive. The figure will cost $29.99.

Belmont13 - 2020-10-15 @ 10:53 pm

The accessories are great but I don't like the paint apps so I'll stick with the Black Series.

JayC - 2020-10-15 @ 6:20 pm

Our friend Huston sends us these images of the new Star Wars Select Disney Store Exclusive 7" Boba Fett from Diamond Select Toys. The figure is selling for $29.99 and has started hitting stores now. It should also soon be offered on the ShopDisney website. The figure comes with riffle, extra hands, flame thrower effect piece, jetback blast effect pieces and laser blast effect piece for his gun. Huston says the jetback is not removable but that it is a very nicely detailed and cool looking figure. Check out all the images below.

Belmont13 - 2020-10-07 @ 9:06 pm

I know there are a lot of Star Wars "purists" out there who only like the Original Trilogy, me I like everything: movies, games, expanded universe, etc. Well maybe not so much the sequel trilogy.

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