That storm trooper figure looks awesome.
I was gonna buy the boba fett but by the time I logged in it was sold out.
I dunno about you but for me Silver Stormtrooper with metallic shine looks absolutely amazing, in some way boba does too but his costume is part cloth which does look little weird in metallic.
Yeah the stormtrooper comes across like a early design for Captain Phasma instead of one of the most iconic bad guys ever in films. Boba looks good waist up. Maybe for in box collectors that wont be so bad
Hasbro ruins another chance at giving us ROTJ boba fett...
Although this could be a nice "as first built" boba fett like before it gets all dented and scratched? Hmmm... Nope still got the helmet dent.
8 minutes ago, Neovorticism2 said:It is a little less noticeable and aesthetic on the Fett figure, although there is nothing like the normal and movie accurate deco.
I think silver cloth looks weird, so I think it's plenty noticeable on Boba Fett, but a pearl white would have definitely been better for the storm trooper, no doubt.
17 minutes ago, Neovorticism2 said:The metallic finish looks good on Boba but the silver stormtrooper just looks off IMO.
I don't think it looks good on either figure.