Another Look At The Upcoming #StarWars #BlackSeries Lando (Skiff), Leia (Hoth), And Rio Durant

By Bespin refugee on 2018-10-16 in Action Figures
Coming soon to a toy shelf near you, here's a look at some official images for Black Series 6" Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard), Princess Leia Organa (Hoth),and Rio Durant (Solo: A Star Wars Story). These figures should be listed for pre-order soon.

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sXeblues - 2018-10-19 @ 5:08 am
On 10/17/2018 at 12:28 AM, Bespin refugee said:

Hoth Leia and Bespin Han (still...) are at the top of my list. Lando, and Rio for that matter, look nice, but, I don't have any other Jabba's palace' or Solo characters at the moment..

I still kinda wish shecame w/ a mynock mask (future exclusive, w Chewie? lol)I don't have the SDCC Han, but, for those that do...

I dont have any Jabbas palace characters, either... Apart from Leia in her slave outfit.Im not really dependent on having a bunch of them, in order to want to pick up Lando in his skiff attire. Im kind of good with him, by himself. Eventually, I want to get Jabba himself, and a few others. Especially if we get lucky enough for them to crop up in the Archive line.

Bespin refugee - 2018-10-17 @ 4:28 am

Hoth Leia and Bespin Han (still...) are at the top of my list. Lando, and Rio for that matter, look nice, but, I don't have any other Jabba's palace' or Solo characters at the moment..

I still kinda wish shecame w/ a mynock mask (future exclusive, w Chewie? lol)I don't have the SDCC Han, but, for those that do...

dcmorris - 2018-10-16 @ 9:50 pm

Target is just now releasing an exclusive bespin escape leia.

sXeblues - 2018-10-16 @ 9:03 pm

Lando, and especially Leia, are two absolutemust haves, for me... Rio was a fun character in Solo, and I could see wanting to get my hands on him eventually. But, there are already so many other Black Series figures that I want to get, can never seem to find, and can only ever barely afford. So, hell probably sit on the back burner want list, for quite a while.

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