May The Force Of Folding Be With You With #StarWars Origami

By Bespin refugee on 2018-05-31 in Action Figures
Star Wars Origami
Author: Karol Kafarski
Format: Paperback / softback, 232 Pages
ISBN: 9780760361979
Publisher: becker&mayer!

Create precision origami models of characters and ships from Star Wars: The Force Awakens with some instruction from Star Wars Origami. Comes with paper to get you started!

Like a Jedi’s training, the Japanese craft origami demands dexterity and patience. Star Wars Origami takes the traditional technique and applies it to contemporary and fun projects that you can show off in your home or on your desk. Follow folding instructions on pre-printed paper to create a whole host of paper models from the major blockbuster, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Star Wars fans will love creating 10 origami renditions of characters and ships from The Force Awakens. The step-by-step instructions make in Star Wars Origami make it easy for even beginners to this papercraft to jump in. Plus, this pack comes with 100 special, pre-printed sheets of origami paper, so your projects will have the right look, in addition to the right folds. Difficulty levels range from beginner to expert.
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