#LEGO's "Biggest Ever" #StarWars Ultimate Collector Series #MillenniumFalcon Unveiled

By Bespin refugee on 2017-08-31 in Action Figures
Oct. 1, LEGO will have their own "BMF" with the Ultimate Collector Series Millennium Falcon. With 7,541 pieces, it will officially be the largest Lego set has ever sold (the former all-timer, a Taj Mahal set, had 5922 pieces), and cost $799.99
"The new Falcon measures 33 inches long, 22 inches wide and 8 inches tall and features a detailed interior that's famous from the Star Wars films. The cockpit holds four minifigures, there’s a living room with posh seating and a Dejarik holographic game, plus a gunner’s seat and interchangeable radar dishes (since the Falcon got an updated one for the current trilogy).

The set also comes with an assortment of minifigures from the movie’s different eras: There’s Han, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, C-3PO and a buildable Mynock creature from 1980’s Empire Strikes Back; old Han, Rey, Finn and BB-8 from 2015’s The Force Awakens; and a couple of Porgs, the new cuddly creatures making their debut in
The Last Jedi (out Dec. 15th)."

(Source: USAToday)
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