We are bringing you updates from the Hasbro Brand Panel Presentation for Star Wars products live from the New York Toy Fair. Refresh your browser often over the course of the next hour to see the latest information revealed by Hasbro.
Star Wars Mashers: Darth Vader, Ep 3 Anakin, Bossk, Jar Jar, Kit FIsto, Stormtrooper, Boba Fett, Grevious, Zeb and Kanan Ep 2 Anakin with Speeder and Maul with Speeder.
Bladebuilders Lightsabers, fully customizable lightsaber system.
We will bringing you images from the Hasbro showroom of all the latest product on hand shortly, so stay-tuned for that.
Jedi Master Lightsaber with more than 100 different formations. They also have foam lightsabers.
Furbacca is introduced. Giant Furbacca comes out on stage.
Thats it for Star Wars.
More to come...