Actor Richard LeParmentier (Admiral Motti) Has Died

By Bespin refugee on 2013-04-16 in Action Figures
Richard LeParmentier, A New Hope's Admiral Motti, one of the few to stand up to Darth Vader, has died at age 66. He also had roles in such films as Superman II and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. On his iconic scene, in which he almost becomes another casualty of the dark side, "'I did the choking effect by flexing muscles in my neck. It set off a chain of events, that choking."

Added: remembers Richard LeParmentier

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Devilbat - 2013-04-19 @ 1:33 am

Yeah, we may not always agree on everything feat, but I too absolutely hate it when MSN does stuff like that just to get people to click. I've become quite adept at reading between the lines when it comes to their headlines. I study them carefully, realizing they probably aren't as dramatic as they lead you to believe with their carefully-selected words. For example, they'll say something like, "Gibson Arrested Again, Has Meltdown", then when you click on the link, thinking you're gonna read about Mel Gibson's continuing downward spiral, you find out the true story is about Debbie Gibson. (lol)

My heart goes out to Mr. Leparmentier and his family. I had read an article years ago where he mentioned his sons glowingly, and it kinda reminded me of my own late father and the relationship I had with him, and it's probably all I've thought about since I heard about his passing. Bless his heart...

featofstrength - 2013-04-18 @ 2:02 pm

also..."STAR WARS ACTOR DIES" was a sidebar headline on Yahoo and many other internet news outlets. A headline, Im sure, because of all the talks of new SW these days. A real cheap ploy there...its not like Billy Dee kicked it, but they would like you to click to make sure.

No disrespect or credit undue to Richard Leparmentier, but the media used him. just @##@@ wrong, man

featofstrength - 2013-04-17 @ 2:28 pm

Oh smack I didn't realize that was him in Roger Rabbit

I'll always remember:

"Turpentine, acetone, benzene...he calls it the Dip."

seemed like most of the principals, aside from Christopher Lloyd, were brits doing american accents. I even saw R.K. Maroon in a Doctor Who from the 1960's (Planet of Giants) the other day using his native Brit accent.

Wheeljack35 - 2013-04-17 @ 1:21 am

Oh smack I didn't realize that was him in Roger Rabbit

GuitarDevil - 2013-04-16 @ 10:39 pm

although his lack of faith was was at times mostly entertaining........RIP Admiral M.....

featofstrength - 2013-04-16 @ 9:44 pm

man, and he was just at Planet Comicon KC weekend before last...

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