TRU Exclusive Star Wars Vintage Millenium Falcon Available Online For $250

By Jay Cochran on 2012-10-22 in Action Figures
Toys R' Us has on their website the re-released BMF Millenium Falcon in Vintage packaging. This TRU exclusive is listed with a $249.99 price tag.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
jedimaster-c - 2012-10-28 @ 6:50 pm

I passed on the 2008 version sense I didn't have any room for it.If I find the Vintage style version.I may put on layaway.Yeah,250 is a bit much.

yojoebro82 - 2012-10-27 @ 11:55 am

You're talking about printing one set of graphics on a piece of cardboard vs. another. No way one costs more to produce.

JayC - 2012-10-27 @ 11:44 am

Why does one packaging make it more expensive?

Though I am sure designing and producing new "Vintage" style packaging for something is an added expense that could add to the bottom line cost of an item, in cases like the Taun Taun or even the Falcon here I would say the increase seems a bit extreme. I think the vintage packaging is cool but personally would never pay that much extra for it. Especially with an item like the BMF which if I bought I would be opening anyway.

Dake - 2012-10-26 @ 2:10 pm

Ok---- a couple of years ago you made this very same Millenium Falcon with sound effects and 2 exclusive figures with HAN SOLO & CHEWBACCA for just a small while at retail for the whopping price of $150.00--- Now you bring it back and added a NEW vintage style box and want $250.00 but make it an exclusive to only TOYS R US--- why the sudden increase of $100.00??? Seriously!!! inquiring people like to know? @grumpy@ @grumpy@ @grumpy@

Three words: Toys. R. Us (ok, two words and a letter).

GPM in ICT - 2012-10-26 @ 1:56 pm

The vintage packaging has made all the stuff more expensive. Just look at the vintage Taun Taun from last year, $20 for the Taun Taun alone or for the same price you could get the Taun Taun and two figures in a battle pack. But TRU also has a coupe of bad habits. First is pricing stuff the think is "hot" a little higher than normal and second ispricing the big SW items really high just to have a "sale" on them during the christmas season and slashing the price by $30 to $40.

Wheeljack35 - 2012-10-26 @ 12:01 pm

Why does one packaging make it more expensive?

yojoebro82 - 2012-10-26 @ 11:49 am

Ok---- a couple of years ago you made this very same Millenium Falcon with sound effects and 2 exclusive figures with HAN SOLO & CHEWBACCA for just a small while at retail for the whopping price of $150.00--- Now you bring it back and added a NEW vintage style box and want $250.00 but make it an exclusive to only TOYS R US--- why the sudden increase of $100.00??? Seriously!!! inquiring people like to know? @grumpy@ @grumpy@ @grumpy@

Stuff repackaged in the "Vintage" packaging are typically more expensive than the regular releases.

Like that Target exclusive "vintage" Taun Taun that was $10 more than the same Tuan Taun in non-vintage box that came with TWO figures. Gotta gouge those vintage collectors. Simple as that.

JayC - 2012-10-25 @ 2:06 pm

Ok---- a couple of years ago you made this very same Millenium Falcon with sound effects and 2 exclusive figures with HAN SOLO & CHEWBACCA for just a small while at retail for the whopping price of $150.00--- Now you bring it back and added a NEW vintage style box and want $250.00 but make it an exclusive to only TOYS R US--- why the sudden increase of $100.00??? Seriously!!! inquiring people like to know? @grumpy@ @grumpy@ @grumpy@

Stuff repackaged in the "Vintage" packaging are typically more expensive than the regular releases. My guess is this will go on sale though before the Holiday shopping season ends. It will still likely be more expensive than the original BMF release but my guess is you will end up being able to pick it up cheaper than $250.

Tarman13 - 2012-10-23 @ 3:52 am

Ok---- a couple of years ago you made this very same Millenium Falcon with sound effects and 2 exclusive figures with HAN SOLO & CHEWBACCA for just a small while at retail for the whopping price of $150.00--- Now you bring it back and added a NEW vintage style box and want $250.00 but make it an exclusive to only TOYS R US--- why the sudden increase of $100.00??? Seriously!!! inquiring people like to know? @grumpy@ @grumpy@ @grumpy@

featofstrength - 2012-10-23 @ 1:52 am

wow...a new box...

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