"Pixel Dan" Eardley Look At The Star Wars SDCC Exclusive Carbon Freezing Chamber

By Jay Cochran on 2012-08-19 in Action Figures
Each year at San Diego Comic Con, Hasbro seems to try an up the ante of their Star Wars exclusive. This year continued that trend with the release of the Carbon Freezing Chamber "Lost Line" figure set! This set includes 6 Star Wars action figures representing each of the movies in the Saga. Each figure comes on an exclusive "chase" cardback featuring some "lost" artwork that Kenner almost used for the vintage toy line. In addition, this set also includes the exclusive Jar Jar Binks frozen in carbonite figure that you can only get with this set! So sit back, relax, and join Pixel Dan for an exhaustive look at this very cool box set!

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Bespin refugee - 2012-08-19 @ 8:55 pm
"Pixel Dan" Eardley's Review
Wheeljack35 - 2012-06-22 @ 12:06 am

LOL they can keep it

Bespin refugee - 2012-06-21 @ 9:41 pm
Update w/ Price
Bespin refugee - 2012-06-08 @ 3:06 am
New Images
featofstrength - 2012-02-17 @ 4:24 pm

maybe the phase 2 trooper armor this season is not only a sign that the clone wars series is winding down, but that the prequel stuff might take a break for a while...wishful thinking...

maybe we'll get an original trilogy boost with the 3d release...animated adventure of Luke Skywalker between ANH and ESB anyone?...again...wishful thinking...

not enough lightsaber tomfoolery for George and his staff to work with on their level of thinking. derp

Wheeljack35 - 2012-02-17 @ 11:35 am

I love the backer cards and hope they are used in the future but why in the worl must they push more of the figures from the new trilogy? I think they are so played out

It's all played out, let's not kid ourselves

I like the card art. I always thought they should do figures of Luke and Leia as shown on the original SW movie poster. Luke all buff with the shirt flying open, and Leia with the plunging neckline and slit in her dress. Though we did get that POTF2 Luke which was pretty close.

I don't see the origional trilogy as stale now...In 1984 I did.Hell the new trilogy is about 13 years old now and we got smothered with them and Clone wars figures.If I do get figures now its the origional trilogy figures

My only quams about the origional is there are too Many Darth Vaders..At one time I remember the origional trilogy being about Luke but George turned thing around to make it all about Anakin who is nothing like Ben Kenobi described him in a new hope

MikePrime - 2012-02-17 @ 4:52 am

Jar jar hate jokes are old and stale.

I guess I agree. I don't like Jar Jar Binks, but that "frozen in carbonite" toy is just stupid.

yojoebro82 - 2012-02-17 @ 4:29 am

I love the backer cards and hope they are used in the future but why in the worl must they push more of the figures from the new trilogy? I think they are so played out

It's all played out, let's not kid ourselves

I like the card art. I always thought they should do figures of Luke and Leia as shown on the original SW movie poster. Luke all buff with the shirt flying open, and Leia with the plunging neckline and slit in her dress. Though we did get that POTF2 Luke which was pretty close.

featofstrength - 2012-02-17 @ 3:08 am

Jar jar hate jokes are old and stale.

Wheeljack35 - 2012-02-17 @ 1:22 am

I love the backer cards and hope they are used in the future but why in the worl must they push more of the figures from the new trilogy? I think they are so played out

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