Ex-wife dumps hundreds of her ex-hubbies Star Wars toys in an alley

By Wheeljack35 on 2012-01-10 in Action Figures
Almost like a previous story about a guy who murdered his wife for destroying his Star Wars collection we now get this....

The person remains nameless, but he did at least make his case known by emailing a few photos to the folks at Geekologie, who shared his story while keeping his name out of it. As you can see from the photo, there was a quite a bit, but the vehicles and other assorted goodies lying out in the open weren't even the half of it.

"There were about 10 black trash bags with carded figures stuffed into them 400-500 of them! Good thing the weather was cooperative and I was quick enough on the scene to detour the smokers in the alley," the collector said.

Well, at least he got his stuff back. Maybe he can keep the ex away from the goods for a while, but this brings up an important point. If you're the spouse of a collector and you're sick of the collection, try to keep in mind that some of it might actually be worth real money, and some of that money could one day be yours. Be patient with your fanboy (or fangirl) loved ones.

And, of course, we can all be happy that this particular case of Star Wars fan scorn didn't end in murder.

Source Geekologie,


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