Star Wars Producer on the Prequels: ‘I’m Not a Fan’

By Wheeljack35 on 2011-10-18 in Action Figures

As we know, the Star Wars prequel trilogy was disliked by many fans of the origional trilogy.It turns out that Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back producer Gary Kurtz dislikes it too.

Kurtz was interviewed for the documentary The People vs. George Lucas about Star Wars fans and their love/hate relationship with all things in Lucas' galaxy. The DVD will be available on Oct. 25, and Lionsgate has released a video of Kurtz talking to New York Magazine, which appears on the DVD extras.

Kurtz says the following:

"Well, the new Star Wars sequels, all of them, I have trouble with them on several different levels. I think that technologically they're terrific, they look great, but I'm not a big fan of the stories. And also I'm not sure that it fits together with the original. This is another big argument between fans. Some of the fans like them a lot and think that they all fit together fine, and others don't. I'm actually in the second camp.

I think there are lots of great moments in all three of the recent sequels but I just wish that the stories would have had a little stronger character development, a little more substance. But they're all very popular, and they fit that kind of Raiders of the Lost Ark mold, which is a lot of action and held together by story threads that work on the surface."

A video of Kurtz speaking can be seen at


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