Florida teacher builds 'Star Wars' tribute using 30,000 LEGO pieces

By Wheeljack35 on 2011-10-06 in Action Figures
Courtesy of The New York Daily News

Florida teacher Jay Hoff has created a 30,000 LEGO display that recreates the scene from "Return of the Jedi" where the Emperor first arrives on the second Death Star. It took him 6 months to create the 6-foot-by-6-foot diorama. He created the display for "Science Discovery Day" at the school where he teaches. He also has encouraged his students to bring their own LEGO models.

"I only got to display the model for one day and I still haven't had the heart to take it apart yet," Hoff told Rex Features.

Hoff has been working with LEGO's since 1973 where he first built a biplane out of a set of the building blocks he got in a Burger King kids meal.


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