I 100% agree. This time it should be more about the TFs and less about humans. This isn't to say human involvement is useless, but seeing the TFs are what we pay to see.
really my only problem with the humans in the first one were the stupid hacker types & the s6 group was made to look all like a bunch of ass clowns... I'd be happy to see more of the army guys that were in the last one as well in this one too and more on sam and whats her name as long as they don't do too much of them...
I heard it will be more about the Transformers mythos
But with talk of Shia's hand and how at the time it might halt production
I think it will be about the same as the last movie was
I 100% agree. This time it should be more about the TFs and less about humans. This isn't to say human involvement is useless, but seeing the TFs are what we pay to see.
I know what you mean. I wasn't excited to see the first one around this time and in fact I wasn't excited to see it up in till way after the teaser trailer came out. Of course after the movie came out and it was mostly about Shia and less about the bots and the tone with the bots felt...off, my excitement waned a bit. But I still want to see the second one but I hope this one is done with Optimus being the main character instead of Shia Laboof again.
Like what? I am excited about the bad guy...
I've been seeing news that doesn't really thrill me. The only thing that got me excited recently was the video of all of the Autobots rolling including then new ones and the video of the Chevy Volt. Other then that I'm just as MEH as everyone else.
I'm excited just b/c of what I've heard and b/c of the 1st one.... but I'm not paying attention to the news too much or anything.
there's nothing really to look at for TF2 yet, its still too early into production.Basically we're where we were (tongue twister!) when they first started leaking pics of Ironhide and Barricade being towed around on trailers, for the first movie.
I dunno about you, but I wasn't very excited back then untill I started seeing the trailers, and bots in action.
I was a little excited once I got over the hate & then they showed that 5?10 ish min clip with spike ah... sam & the bots at his house & that was pretty well it ...
hope I can get into a free early viewing for this one too :D
whens the movie due out? franlky the hype won't start to me till I start seeing trailers on tv
Nah I want to be in a theater to see these
it better be more about bots this time instead on the humans. ill wait for it on dvd like i did the first one.