Star Wars Transformers Images

By Bespin refugee on 2011-07-07 in Action Figures
Hasbro has released images of upcoming releases in the Star Wars Transformers line, including Anakin (2 ship versions), General Grievous, and Oi-Wan, as well as packaging variations.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
DPrime - 2008-09-11 @ 1:38 am



Evil Lyn


Teela (w/removable Snake headdress, as someone already mentioned!)

However, these five are likely to be made, I would think. More unlikely top five for me would be:




King Randor

The Faceless One

Snow - 2008-09-10 @ 8:38 pm

!. Trapjaw

2. Sorceress

3. She-Ra (Without rooted hair)

4. Evil-lyn

5. Triclops

6. Man-At-Arms

RobertDeNitro - 2008-09-10 @ 2:38 pm

1. Man at arms

2. Trapjaw

3. Hordak

4. Man-y-faces

5. Buzz off

CapnJeffro - 2008-09-10 @ 6:48 am

1) Fisto

2) Rio Blast

3) Man-E-Faces

4) Roboto

5) Stinkor

And I could continue with at least 15 more must haves in my world, but those were the ones that I got the most play time out of.

Alvatron - 2008-09-06 @ 1:06 pm

1: 200X Styled Hordak

2: 200X Styled Leech

3: 200X Styled Mantenna

4: 200X Styled Horde Trooper

5: 200X Styled Grizzlor

Eric - 2008-09-04 @ 6:18 pm
Only one person with Stinkor listed??? Stinkor was the best!

Stinkor is another that could be on my list lumped in with the characters after my top 3. He's one of the most aesthetically pleasing in the whole line (I love the orange, black, and white). And the Horsemen's Stinkor staction was just plain nasty (in a good way).

GrtEternal - 2008-09-04 @ 8:32 am

Well, I'm not gonna put Faker in my list since he's practically a given. You got He-man and Skeletor made, therefore Faker is almost right there as well.

So for my top 5 list:

1. Trap-Jaw/ Tri-Klops - Can't decide on which one goes first so a tie it is.

2. Whiiplash - You just gotta have Whiplash!

3. Man-E-Faces - He looks a lot cooler on his card back art than the figure. And it's probably the only one with an action feature!

4. Webstor - same reason as Whiplash! You just have to.

5. The Sorceress - They just have to! And hopefully, not the child-face Sorceress that they have in the classic line but something that looks almost like the series. Classic series that is. I never did like the new one even if she did grow on me after a while, but the classic one is still the best looker!

I didn't put in Teela and Evil--Lyn because they'd just be really stupid if they don't make the top 2 MOTU babes! Evil-Lyn especially.

hoganvibe - 2008-09-04 @ 3:37 am

Only one person with Stinkor listed??? Stinkor was the best!

Artistrix - 2008-09-04 @ 3:17 am
3) Battle Armor Queen Marlena

I know it would be considered boring, but I would far prefer the Queen to look, well, like she normally looked. A gown & a tiara. That would make me a very happy camper.

According to some sites, she was planned for the original 80's line but it died before they got the chance.

Source - (link)

* Other toys that were planned but never made include a full-size Cosmic Key from the MOTU movie, a Queen Marlena figure and a vehicle called the Gyratakker, intended to launch Rotar and Twistoid into battle.

CaptainTriumph - 2008-09-03 @ 4:38 am

I agree but it has always been a favorite of mine. Something about the inter-change able hands that I thought was so cool when I was a child....

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