Mail-Away Rocket Firing Boba Fett, Donald Duck as Shadow Stormtrooper & More At Brian's Toys

By Jay Cochran on 2010-08-20 in Action Figures
Brian's Toys would like to thank everyone who made it out to the biggest celebration on earth! It was great meeting everyone at Celebration 5 in Orlando.

Over at the site, check out the new Mail-Away Rocket Firing Boba Fett, now in stock. Plus, place your pre-orders for any Celebration 5 exclusives such as the Donald Duck as Shadow Stormtrooper for they will be arriving within the next week.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Eric - 2008-08-08 @ 8:02 pm

Anything's a possibility with this new line, so I think that's what Mattel meant. My hope is that they see there's still demand for the 200X versions and they decide to release them alongside the MOTUC line or in it with the same sculpts as 200X.

But firestongue is right about 2009: there will be two figures made that have never been made before and two figures that were made in the '80s but not in the 2002 line.

Classic - 2008-08-08 @ 5:00 pm
As a kid I hated the Zodac figure because he was just ugly. This new one is just a more articulated form of the same ugly. Ill still buy him, because I may end up liking him once hes in my hand. As a kid he just didnt look verry cosmic to me. The 200x version is one of the coolest redesigns ever imo. I do hope that down the road they will start giving us more articulated versions of the 200x line.

I agree. That Zodak redesign could be the best of the 200X series. The only other design I like is the 200X cartoon version of Syclone (the 200X figure was a bit of a disappointment).

Fisto1 - 2008-08-08 @ 3:27 pm

As a kid I hated the Zodac figure because he was just ugly. This new one is just a more articulated form of the same ugly. Ill still buy him, because I may end up liking him once hes in my hand. As a kid he just didnt look verry cosmic to me. The 200x version is one of the coolest redesigns ever imo. I do hope that down the road they will start giving us more articulated versions of the 200x line.

firestongue - 2008-08-08 @ 5:13 am
Didn't they say they very well may revisit characters from the 200X line, if the line is a success? Probably not for a while, IF they do, but if I recall correctly they're keeping their options open.

i thought i heard that too.

yep i read that at But next year they have announced they will make 2 figures never crreated in the 200x line, and 2 figures never made in the old line (or something like that).

Regardless, these figures look great. Zodac looks awesome.

Mullog21 - 2008-08-08 @ 3:18 am

Yes but way down the road, probably only if this line eventually gets picked back up in the retail stores.

pooda - 2008-08-08 @ 1:00 am
Didn't they say they very well may revisit characters from the 200X line, if the line is a success? Probably not for a while, IF they do, but if I recall correctly they're keeping their options open.

i thought i heard that too.

DPrime - 2008-08-07 @ 10:05 pm

Didn't they say they very well may revisit characters from the 200X line, if the line is a success? Probably not for a while, IF they do, but if I recall correctly they're keeping their options open.

Eric - 2008-08-07 @ 9:43 pm
Dont expect it. They are based of the original toys.

This is what I say, too.

Making figures like the 200X versions doesn't make much sense (to Mattel) since they came out so recently. If they weren't different enough, people would just not buy them and go to eBay or something for the old (2002) version.

Starscream49 - 2008-08-07 @ 10:52 am

Dont expect it. They are based of the original toys.

DPrime - 2008-08-07 @ 8:28 am

I wouldn't be surprised if they do, eventually...

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