I'd really rather stores have a wide variety of figures in bulk like this. It was alot better than the barley ever have anything and you have to fight off scalpers and hunt and waste time to get some of what you want and do without the rest.
Its more of a store issue.The stores in my area only gave one row of pegs for the basic GI Joe figures and one row for the comic packs.There is only onw Walmart that has 2 rows of pegs for the basic GI Joe and they usually get in only one case of figures at a time.
someone posted a picture at the club's message board that was kinda the same, it was one of those island displays filled with Joes.. I'd crap myself if I saw that, lol...(not my pics, from gijoeclub.com's board)
remember the good ol' days when we were little(and you were in your 20s VH) when you could walk into a store and see full pegs of the Joes? I miss those days...
I do miss those days! hell, just my 20's......PERIOD!
The ARAH G.I.Joes were EVERYWHERE! Stocked full at Children's Palace, Toys R Us, Sears stores, drug stores like Gray Drugs, Woolworth's, Kmart you name it. It wasn't a matter of finding them, (like it is now) it was a matter of when I'd have the money to go GET whatever I wanted in whatever quantities and when I got my fill, it was only a matter of WAITING till the new years wave hit the shelves. The TWO year old selection went on sale and the new years assortment replaced it, alongside last years selection. Lots of time to put together a nice collection.
It's just STUPID anymore, and not as fun. It's like an addiction now, that I can't quit.
someone posted a picture at the club's message board that was kinda the same, it was one of those island displays filled with Joes.. I'd crap myself if I saw that, lol...(not my pics, from gijoeclub.com's board)
There's a local guy here that posted that he picked up like $300 worth of Joes at WM a couple weeks ago.. I don't know why he picked up that many, but he got them to price match Meijer for $5 a figure, so I might get a couple from him for customs, lol.. but still, that's a lot of Joes.. sad that when I go to my WM, Kfart or Target, I see CC and Buzzer and every once in a while the new ones(two nights ago I walked into Target with 6 Vipers just sitting there, lol)...
remember the good ol' days when we were little(and you were in your 20s VH) when you could walk into a store and see full pegs of the Joes? I miss those days...
Why oh why does this not happen where I am???????
Ok, admittedly I live in Canada, but why should that be a problem - most major cities are less than 4 hours from the nearest US city!!!! - the most I have ever seen up here in any major store was 4 pegs at wal-mart (after I badgered the clerk to order them in specially - she quit shortly afterwards).
I'm relegated to hunting through the local comic stores that get precisely one case of each wave and one specialty store that is run by collectors for collectors.
Great pic, I wish my Wally would do that and at those prices!
someone posted a picture at the club's message board that was kinda the same, it was one of those island displays filled with Joes.. I'd crap myself if I saw that, lol...
(not my pics, from gijoeclub.com's board)
There's a local guy here that posted that he picked up like $300 worth of Joes at WM a couple weeks ago.. I don't know why he picked up that many, but he got them to price match Meijer for $5 a figure, so I might get a couple from him for customs, lol.. but still, that's a lot of Joes.. sad that when I go to my WM, Kfart or Target, I see CC and Buzzer and every once in a while the new ones(two nights ago I walked into Target with 6 Vipers just sitting there, lol)...
remember the good ol' days when we were little(and you were in your 20s VH) when you could walk into a store and see full pegs of the Joes? I miss those days...
man i wish my stores had them like this.
Hey does anybody have any old pics of what the stores used to look like filled with GI Joes, that'd be neat. I've found this website called Plaidstallions.com that has a lot of 70's toys and some pretty cool pics of old store displays. I haven't found pics of toy aisles in the 80's, but this guy has pics from the 70's (12 in GI Joe, Star Wars). Check it out!
My store has had nothing but the single carded versions of the box set figures and an odd Serpentor here and there. Been that way for months.
Even when the pegs get filled up here (2 columns, 4 rows?) within 1-2 days it will be dwindled down to the usual pegwarmers of 1-2 Ripper figures or absolutely nothing. Pictures of like that are what dreams are made of. None of my local Toys R Us stores even have peg space for single carded Joes.