This figure looks great. I hope they have the license to all the movies and we finally get some super-poseable USCM Marines from Aliens. I REALLY want those guys.
Here's to hoping that NECA makes super-poseable USCM Marines! Hell, here's to hoping that NECA makes super-poseable figures for any movie/video-game line!
I'd like to get the Aliens vs USCM Snap Kits but you can't find them for a reasonable price. I wish Sideshow would bring those stateside.
This figure looks great. I hope they have the license to all the movies and we finally get some super-poseable USCM Marines from Aliens. I REALLY want those guys.
yeah i hope so too. i cant get that there are 12" insh hottoys figures with cloths and expensive as hell and we cant even get a cool 7" insh figure of the world famoused marines.
This figure looks great. I hope they have the license to all the movies and we finally get some super-poseable USCM Marines from Aliens. I REALLY want those guys.
That looks sweet.It will keep my sister out of my room.She has a big fobea(spell)of Aliens. @loll@
now just release that damn thing allready iget it as soon as it comes, it looks amazing. now i want to see real news. whats with others or is the line allready dead before it began?