Looks At Unauthorized C-3PO

By Bespin refugee on 2008-01-26 in Action Figures
"When it comes to unauthorized Star Wars merchandise, three characters have proven a consistent favorite among bootleggers: Darth Vader, R2-D2, and the effusively fussy C-3PO.

It's not hard to see why -- all three are popular with fans, are universally recognized, and relatively simple to depict. Unfortunately, since bootleggers bypass the official approval process designed to separate the junk from the genuine, a few, uh, "interesting" pieces eventually find their way into the marketplace...and into the collection of Steve Sansweet.

Rummaging through the expanse of Sansweet's Rancho Obi-Wan, we found a few rough gems we felt worthy of sharing, if for no other reason than to poke a little good-natured fun at our favorite protocol droid, C-3PO..."
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