#NYTF19 - Hasbro Star Wars Reveals: The Vintage Collection Jabba's Palace Playset, Skiff & Guard 3 Pack

By Bespin refugee on 2019-02-17 in 2019 New York Toy Fair

(HASBRO/Approx. Retail Price: $49.99/Available at select retailers: Fall 2019)
Available for preorder at Hasbro Pulse.

(HASBRO/Approx. Retail Price: $39.99/Available at select retailers: Fall 2019)
Available for preorder at Hasbro Pulse.

(HASBRO/Approx. Retail Price: $49.99/Available: Spring 2019)
Available exclusively at Walmart.
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joenubb - 2019-02-24 @ 2:39 am
On 2/18/2019 at 12:13 AM, Bespin refugee said:

I think the 'Jabba's Palace' playset was my favorite reveal from Toy Fair. I was a little afraid to hear the price, but, It's only $50. It's sounds like this is the testing ground for a potential 'build a Jabba's palace' concept, as well as, potentially a cantina(?), and beyond (fingers crossed ). It'll definitely be a nice upgrade from the 'pop-up 3-d versions from the 90's

I'm in full agreement regarding the price point and the testing ground of modular playsets, and have been wishingHasbro would do something like thisfor this for years. A BAF for playsets.

I sold all my modern stuff years ago to focus on vintage Star Wars but did back the Barge. Now seeing this stuff too I think I may jump back into modern collecting. At least with a Jabba's Palace focus.

InspectorZartan - 2019-02-22 @ 4:54 am

Really glad to see items coming out that will go well with my Sail Barge when it gets here. That said, from a marketing standpoint wouldn't it have been smarter to reveal a lot of this stuff back when the Sail Barge preorder was open? Like they should have revealed these figures/vehicles/playsets in the line last year at NYTF and then said "on top of that we're kickstarting a Sail Barge. That would have probably sold more Barges and sold more figures since people who passed on the barge because they didn't have figures for it already let it pass last year and people who don't have the Sail Barge now will be less motivated to pickup some of these new items.

MisterSkeezler - 2019-02-21 @ 9:44 pm

I already have a Jabba's palace that I built into a coffee table, but the skiff and the guard 3-pack were highlights for me!

Bespin refugee - 2019-02-18 @ 5:13 am

I think the 'Jabba's Palace' playset was my favorite reveal from Toy Fair. I was a little afraid to hear the price, but, It's only $50. It's sounds like this is the testing ground for a potential 'build a Jabba's palace' concept, as well as, potentially a cantina(?), and beyond (fingers crossed ). It'll definitely be a nice upgrade from the 'pop-up 3-d versions from the 90's

I've been trying to fill-in some of the gaps in my background aliens, here and there. I'm glad to see Ree Yees packed in here, as I managed to miss it somehow. I wonder what other figures they might include w/ these sets? Ephant Mon, or one of the pricier VC aliens? Dare to dream, Legacy Leia (w/ alternate legs)?

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