Jedi Insider Star Wars Photo Of The Day: "R4-M9" By Shooting The Galaxy

By Bespin refugee on 2020-04-16 in Toy Photography
Here at Jedi Insider, we want to spotlight awesome Toy Photography from some of the hottest photographers on the Internet today.

Today, we are spotlighting a photo titled "R4-M9" by Shooting The Galaxy

Be sure to Give Shooting The Galaxy a follow on Instagram and let him know what you think of his work in the comment below.

If you'd like to be considered to have your work featured, if you haven't already, join the Toynewsi forums, and post your work in the Toy Photography section.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Spack - 2020-04-18 @ 10:16 pm

The angle on that shot is perfect.

Spack - 2020-04-18 @ 5:47 pm

Can you please tell me where you got those hallway pieces?

ShootingtheGalaxy - 2020-04-18 @ 4:04 pm
3 hours ago, Spack said:

I always enjoy your work and have recently submitted my first pic inspired by your shots. I think in this one however, the angle of the picture behind the door is not working. Your camera angle is a bit too low. Here is a similar diorama shot that I had to take several shots of before I got the depth of field to be believable.

Yeah that's just the piece that it came with. Nothing I can do about that. It bugs me too but I just try and imagine that maybe there's an incline/ramp hallway back there or something lol

This is the angle I have to shoot to make it line up and create the illusion of real depth

Spack - 2020-04-18 @ 12:46 pm

I always enjoy your work and have recently submitted my first pic inspired by your shots. I think in this one however, the angle of the picture behind the door is not working. Your camera angle is a bit too low. Here is a similar diorama shot that I had to take several shots of before I got the depth of field to be believable.

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