@optimus@ @optimus@ I THINK if Sari woudlnt of scared the constructicons off optimas would get them!
I'm still not a big fan of the constructicons, but they were a bit better in this ep; at least they're developing individual personalities.
..and blitzwing is still awesome; definitely my favorite decepticon. I'm glad that he's still a threat; one thing that too many cartoons do that annoys me is they weaken enemies after awhile. At first, they're nearly invincible, but then are downgraded to nuisances later on. I liked that the only reason blitzy didn't blow the autobots away is that he's insane (and hearing prowl yell when bw tossed him was awesome).
can't wait these next two are gonna be great!
Well this is the last episode before the two part season finale
the constructicons are really lame, the less of them in future episodes, the better.