The Old Republic: Coruscant

By Bespin refugee on 2009-10-11 in Games
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Wheeljack35 - 2008-06-29 @ 4:15 am

Hell get them maybe you can either use the extra figures for kitbashing or sell them to kitbashers

YounglingKiller - 2008-06-29 @ 3:41 am

I saw these today on a huge endcap. I considered picking up a couple but I decided not to. I like the droids but I didn't wanna pay for an extra figure I already have.

HMI - 2008-06-23 @ 3:39 am

I assume that it meant this particular WM wasn't supposed to get them, got them anyway, and decided to put them on clearance to get rid of them.

They even had a sign declaring they were on clearance above the endcap. It was weird, but I'm not going to complain about it.

Wheeljack35 - 2008-06-23 @ 2:17 am

Clearance??? They just came out last week

Wheeljack35 - 2008-06-23 @ 2:17 am

Clearance??? They just came out last week

HMI - 2008-06-22 @ 11:42 pm

I just picked up a set of these for $5 each. The store had them on clearance already, so I was happy to pick up a full set so I could build C-3PX.

Wheeljack35 - 2008-06-21 @ 1:14 am

I know what you mean I have to get another Vader and Luke in an Xwing flight suit yet again

Kill Solo - 2008-06-21 @ 1:08 am

I only picked up the Hoth Han and R-3PO. I like the droids, but I'm kind of getting tired of having to buy a figure I already own. So it's a pass on all the rest.

Blackmada - 2008-06-20 @ 7:31 pm

I have a feeling my Wal-Mart is never going to get these. My Super Wal-Mart is not so super.

Wheeljack35 - 2008-06-20 @ 4:21 pm

I just picked up my first set today

Plo Koon/R4-F5

Its number one of six

These are on an endcap

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