Spotlight On: 2010 Vintage Collection Bespin Luke Skywalker - VC04

By Jay Cochran on 2010-07-08 in Spotlight
Celebrate the legendary Star Wars saga that changed the universe forever! This collection brings to life the incredible story of good versus evil that captured our imagination and took us to a galaxy far, far away. Iconic Star Wars heroes and villains are captured with incredible detail and premium features to commemorate each epic tale in the Star Wars saga. May the Force be with you.

Original Luke Skywalker card

Figure Specifications

The figure has a ball-jointed neck, ball-hinged torso, ball-hinged knees, ball-hinged elbows, ball-hinged shoulders, ball-hinged hips, ball-hinged ankles and swivel wrists. The lightasber hilt fits on the gun belt and the blaster fits in the holster.

UPC #: 6 53569 49861 2

Assortment Number: 97572/97568

Weapons and Accessories:
Blaster Pistol
Lightsaber Hilt

Retail Price: $9.99
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
DPrime - 2008-08-06 @ 4:49 pm

Seems like a waste to me, with all the extra articulation and what not, I'm sure I'll be opening mine. These aren't vintage after all - like everything coming out nowadays (especially "collector lines"), they'll be plenty of people keeping these in the package, ensuring that the resale value won't ever get too high (probably!).

pooda - 2008-08-05 @ 1:13 pm

good point. for 20 bucks.....shhheeeze! that would have you thinking about keeping them mint. then again,....i open EVERYTHING! so its a safe bet that im going to open them. whats the point?(not knocking the M.O.C'ers) but i gotta give'em some play....give'em an accurate rundown in my mind....ya know. but yeah...he-man will be kickin' ass!

chokto - 2008-07-31 @ 4:49 pm

Hi There Everyone!! First Post here!

Well, I've been on both sides of the debate. I've kept my figures carded, but to tell you the truth... the joy of takin them pieces of glorified plastic, and posing and (dis)PLAYIN them, can't be replaced with puting them in a box and just knowin you have em.!!

Look at it like this...I dont care if it sounds childish, If a Character is in a package, look at it as if its in a cofin, free the sucker!! bring it to life!!!

chokto - 2008-07-31 @ 4:47 pm

Hi There Everyone!! First Post here!

Well, I've been on both sides of the debate. I've kept my figures carded, but to tell you the truth... the joy of takin them pieces of glorified plastic, and posing and (dis)PLAYIN them, its as if they come alive!!

Look at it like this...I dont care if it sounds childish, If a Character is in a package look at it as if its in a cofin, free the sucker!! bring it to life!!!

Rollo Tomassi - 2008-07-31 @ 12:54 am

Every toy stuck in it's packaging is crying right now.

Get them out and play with them!

Alexx - 2008-07-30 @ 7:40 pm

To me, the price doesn't include the package as much as the figure. Sure, the package is figured into the price, but my money isn't spend as well when I'm just looking at the thing. Opening all the way!

joenubb - 2008-07-30 @ 7:36 pm

I'll be opening my figures, they look like they 'play' great. They have plenty of articulation; I can't wait to get the first few!

gojira77 - 2008-07-30 @ 7:32 am

My He-man will be set free-- Eternia needs its Champion! I know it just guts the resale value on all my toys but I rarely have the will power to keep anything mint. The only exception to date has been one of those 25th anniversary Joes on the cool foil card, but even then I got a double, since I already had it lose from one of the first 5-packs. If I had the space I would probably buy more doubles to keep some mint...

Eric - 2008-07-30 @ 7:23 am

I haven't decided, but I'm leaning towards opening them because they just take so much space in package, and I've got too much stuff already.

Maybe I'll get two of each though (one to open, one to leave MOC) and really take up some space...

Ren - 2008-07-30 @ 2:15 am

Probably keep them in package over the vintage ones, and now I need a place to put my Prince Adam commerative 5 life is rough sometimes.

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