has posted information about The next issue of Lucasfilm Magazine -- the official magazine of the French Star Wars Fan Club. This issue celebrates the ultimate revenge of the Sith Lords with an issue devoted to their evil ways. Two separate covers contain the darkness within. The newsstands version features photos of Darth Maul and Darth Vader, while the subscriber version features Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress, stunningly illustrated by ILM artist, Aaron McBride.
Catch up on all your favorite columns and regular features -- Skywalker Reporter, Toy Story, Best of Hyperspace, the newest merchandise catalogue, Dr. Jones' mail bag and much more! This issue also comes with two exclusives posters: The first one features Darth Vader illustrated by ILM artist Aaron McBride, and the second one will please the collectors with a full range of Hasbro 2006 Saga Action Figures.