Actress Kelly Marie Tran Speaks Out On Discrimination

By Bespin refugee on 2018-08-21 in General News

A couple of months ago, it was reported that Star Wars actress Kelly Marie Tran had deleted images on her Instagram account following incidents of online harassment; now, she speaks out, discussing the discrimination she has faced during her life. She recalls her family changing their names, and even not speaking her native language, Vietnamese, to better fit in. She says she often saw herself as "other", and felt shame for how she and people were treated, based on race, gender, or anything else that makes them different. Following her leading role as a 'woman of color' in a Star Wars film, as well as being the first Asian woman to appear on the cover of "Vanity fair, she says, "My real name is Loan. And I am just getting started."
You can read her entire statement here.


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JoeRhyno - 2018-08-22 @ 1:34 pm

You gotta read the whole article, this is awesome, along with another twitter post Isaw where a girl grew up hating her Chinese past and upbringing and did what she could to distance herself, her examples were tear jerking and then later learning to love and then embrace her heritage, it just goes to show you how racial criticism works both on a large and small scale and how it effects the psyche of people on the other end to the point of changing their habits and names and such. Hopefully more speak out and with movies like the new all Asian cast one, things will get better.

sXeblues - 2018-08-22 @ 1:41 am

Good for her!??

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