Abrams 'In The Dark' Regarding Star Wars Secrecy

By Bespin refugee on 2014-01-27 in General News
During an recent interview with the Daily Telegraph newspaper, J.J. Abrams revealed that, to maintain secrecy while workng on the Star Wars script, the windows of his office were covered with black paper. While his projects are known for having a high level of secrecy, he realizes the Star Wars fanbase is more open and engaged, and that a compromise will be needed. Instead of instant gratification and entitlement, Abrams adds, "...it's nice to remember that there's nothing wrong with a sense of anticipation."
(Source: Movies.Yahoo.com)


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yojoebro82 - 2014-01-28 @ 5:40 pm

Hell, magazine hype was about all that Phantom Menace had going for it at the dawn of the millenium

That and the Episode I toys. Boss Nass, Watto, Darth Maul, and bare bones C3PO were so much cooler before we knew the actual story.

And that's why I continued to buy the toys after the downward spiral of prequel suckage, and most likely will with new movie suckage. I wont damn aesthetically pleasing toys to rot in the pattern of play dictated by s****y screenplays and horrible ideas.

Not for me. I learned my lesson after Ep I. In fact, that was the last time I seriously went after Star Wars toys. A few guys from Episodes II and III snuck in my collection--Count Duku, Kit Fisto, Grevious, blue Jedi chick--because like you said, they do look cool, if nothing else.

We can't say for sure if the new movie will have a shitty screenplay or horrible ideas. For those toys I'll be sticking with my plan of buying them on sight, keeping them MOC with a receipt, and if the movie sucks, return them and if it's good, open them up and go wild.

featofstrength - 2014-01-28 @ 4:51 pm

Hell, magazine hype was about all that Phantom Menace had going for it at the dawn of the millenium

That and the Episode I toys. Boss Nass, Watto, Darth Maul, and bare bones C3PO were so much cooler before we knew the actual story.

And that's why I continued to buy the toys after the downward spiral of prequel suckage, and most likely will with new movie suckage. I wont damn aesthetically pleasing toys to rot in the pattern of play dictated by s****y screenplays and horrible ideas.

yojoebro82 - 2014-01-28 @ 4:11 pm

Hell, magazine hype was about all that Phantom Menace had going for it at the dawn of the millenium

That and the Episode I toys. Boss Nass, Watto, Darth Maul, and bare bones C3PO were so much cooler before we knew the actual story.

featofstrength - 2014-01-28 @ 3:39 pm

Think of all those poor souls who survived life BEFORE the internet.

I cherish my old Starlog Magazines...

Hell, magazine hype was about all that Phantom Menace had going for it at the dawn of the millenium

Bespin refugee - 2014-01-28 @ 2:51 am
Abrams 'In The Dark' Regarding Star Wars Secrecy
yojoebro82 - 2013-11-18 @ 6:13 pm

Trying to keep all the genies in all the bottles is just going to frustrate the hardcore fans that arguably NEED to be won back over.

The hardcore fans are going to be frustrated anyway. That's just their MO. Eventually we WILL hear a bit more about what is going to happen in the movie and it will not jive with someone's idea of how it "should be" in their mind and frustration will ensue. The only way Abrams will avoid this to take every single fan's fan fiction and given them a hug and a promise that it will all make it into his movie.

I also don't think the hardcore fans need to be won over. Correction: They DO, but only with the final product, the actual movie. Whether they are completely cut off from any and all spoilers or they have an official script delivered to their door, they're all going to go see this movie. The worst case scenario is that they have to wait a year and a half for the first trailer. If so, they'll live. I promise. Think of all those poor souls who survived life BEFORE the internet.

Jmacq1 - 2013-11-18 @ 1:19 pm

It's funny, because the Original Trilogy had a LOT of secrecy around it when it was produced (particularly Empire Strikes Back). All the way down to the whole "Blue Harvest" business (basically pretending like they're filming another movie altogether).

Then the Prequels came along, and Lucasfilm put out tons of stuff prior to release, though even then they kept a lot of details secret.

I do think people are getting tired of Abrams' "shtick" with the super-secrecy. Yes, it's cool to have some surprises when the movie hits, but at the same time, trying to be deliberately secretive is only going to drive people to try that much harder to pierce the veil. Lucasfilm had it pretty well down to a science with the prequels: Give enough to tantalize, but still enough to make the masses feel like they're actually getting something. Trying to keep all the genies in all the bottles is just going to frustrate the hardcore fans that arguably NEED to be won back over. Yes, it's true that the general audiences likely don't care either way, and they'll likely see the movie in droves, but if the new trilogy doesn't put forth a damn solid first effort, Disney's Star Wars plans may go off the rails before they really get off the ground due to toxic word of mouth.

I wouldn't say the expectations or standards are impossible to achieve either. It's not a scenario where "It has to be the greatest thing ever" (which arguably Episode I suffered from), but rather just a scenario where "it has to be better than the prequels." Which let's be honest...isn't too high of a hurdle to clear.

Wheeljack35 - 2013-11-06 @ 9:26 am

What I remember about the origional trilogy because at the time there was no internet was seeing only photos reeased from the movie.I first seen the Death Star from ROTJ and thought .."Are they showing the construction of the Death Star?" Of course I find out later it is a new Death Star being constructed.

What i'm saying is I would only hope any news about the story don't be releases and we do get some production photos

JoeRhyno - 2013-11-06 @ 5:39 am

I haven't seen Into Darkness yet, but everyone that I have spoken to or have read comments or "reviews" of after they saw it were happy and surprised about the reveal and thought it was an awesome thing... I like that he is taking this approach.

yojoebro82 - 2013-11-06 @ 3:16 am

LOL. Who the heck is writing this stuff?

"It concerns me that Abrams is sticking to this notion of guarding everything from the fan base. He tried that with Benedict Cumberbatchs identity in Into Darkness. So when he finally revealed that the character was Khan, it largely created resentment, not awe. Im of the belief that Abrams needs to open up and share something with fans regarding Star Wars, because the more that the series gets bogged down in the directors cloak-and-dagger horseshit, the more convinced I am that there is serious trouble behind the scenes. Do you agree?"

Go home and cry in your pillow, dude.

First off, his secrecy with Into darkness worked. With me, at least. I didn't know it was Khan for 100% certainty until I saw that film. And it didn't create resentment with me. So I guess that's an opinion, there, isn't it?

Also, what information would you like to hear on a movie that's a year and a half away and hasn't begun filming? He's trying to keep things a secret in an age where it's virtually impossible. So that when you actually see there movie there's some......you know......surprise? Where's the harm in that?

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