Disney World Expert Lou Mongello

By Bespin refugee on 2009-06-30 in General News
StarWars.com talks to Lou Mongello, "Walt Disney World (WDW) expert and hardcore Star Wars fan", about the history of the Disney/Star Wars connection.


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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
SPC AIRBORNE - 2008-06-01 @ 7:11 am
087-06-0441 joe vehicle 14.99

087-06-0904 joe battlepack 19.99

087-06-1092 rhino vehicle w/fig 24.99

087-06-2047 joe large vehicle 24.99

087-06-2067 joe ultimate battlepack 59.99

Damn too bad i'm off for the next few days I could have it looked up in a PDT (the electronic guns you see employees with)

I checked the Target computers tonight and what he listed is exactly what the computers say.

JoeRhyno - 2008-05-31 @ 5:55 am

I got mine for $16 If it is like the SW battle pack, I hope they give us something we haven't seen in awhile.. it better not be another HISS!!! Give us an updated watch tower or something cool like that!

Goldbug - 2008-05-31 @ 4:58 am
Last Christmas Target had Ultimate Battlepacks that were about that price:

They were awesome, I hope this is true, it'd be cool and I wonder what they could come up with, maybe we could finally get our fixed V1 Flint in one of these.

Actually those were $10 less $49.99.

I got mine for $30 on clearance.

Draven79 - 2008-05-31 @ 4:23 am

Joe HUSH! Do not jinx it man, Flint better not come fixed in a big ass box set since I most likely will not buy it!! @loll@


TommyGoth - 2008-05-31 @ 1:51 am

The Battle Packs are the DVD Sets obviously.

The $14.99 vehicles are the vehicle sets we've been expecting.

As for the rest I'm stumped. Ultimate Battle sets in the same vain as the Star Wars set pictured above would be sweet. I remember seeing them and thinking..."I wish I was more of a Star Wars fan..."

xhairs - 2008-05-31 @ 1:20 am

this could be real cool or a real let down.

Wheeljack35 - 2008-05-31 @ 1:14 am
087-06-0441 joe vehicle 14.99

087-06-0904 joe battlepack 19.99

087-06-1092 rhino vehicle w/fig 24.99

087-06-2047 joe large vehicle 24.99

087-06-2067 joe ultimate battlepack 59.99

Damn too bad i'm off for the next few days I could have it looked up in a PDT (the electronic guns you see employees with)

Pit Viper - 2008-05-31 @ 12:55 am

There was the Night Rhino (a repainted Warthog).

CLAM34 - 2008-05-31 @ 12:22 am
Well the only one of them that really says anything specific if the Rhino... Which is a kick ass vehicle. Glad they are rereleasing it though I already have one and don't need it again.

Joe Large Vehicle - might be the Conquest?

Joe Ultimate battle pack - Pretty heafty price tag. That is either a butt load of figures of several figures and a vehicle or two. Interested to see what this one will turn out to be.

I really, really, doubt that it is Rhino.. I don' think they will put out any GvC/DTC stuff for the 25th Joes. They probably are just reusing the name.

JoeRhyno - 2008-05-30 @ 5:03 pm

Last Christmas Target had Ultimate Battlepacks that were about that price:

They were awesome, I hope this is true, it'd be cool and I wonder what they could come up with, maybe we could finally get our fixed V1 Flint in one of these.

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