The Women Of Star Wars - Part 4

By Bespin refugee on 2009-06-29 in General News
From the main characters to those in the background, this time, spotlights the women of the Original Trilogy.

See also:
The Women Of Star Wars
The Women Of Star Wars - Part 2
The Women Of Star Wars - Part 3
The Ladies Of The ISO


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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Capt.S.G.Wiseman - 2008-05-30 @ 11:12 pm

I recently watched TLC, and I started to think that this is one of the best generational film series I have ever seen. In the midst of constant action, you have an example of the coolest family ever (IMO ).

I remember being that age, and the biggest question I had for myself was "Am I better than my Old Man?" My personnel answer is yes, but I kinda wish it wasn't.

When I watch Indy 3 and Indy 4, I get to see both sides of the ball. It would rock if I had a dad that knows how to fight Nazis, discover the unfindable, and show me up in a fight. It's cool to see how Mutt sees himself as a chip off the ol'block. He now knows he has the potential by looking at his folks.

amazingdm - 2008-05-30 @ 3:54 am
Maybe to you, but not to some. By the way, which should be ovious?

it should be obvious haha

Capt.S.G.Wiseman - 2008-05-30 @ 3:04 am
We finally get to see Indy as "Dad" , but when last time we saw him he was "Junior!!!" @lol@

Which one of the two relationships did you find more entertaining?

-Indy & Henry Sr.


-Indy & Mutt

This should be obvious...

Maybe to you, but not to some. By the way, which should be ovious?

amazingdm - 2008-05-30 @ 2:52 am
We finally get to see Indy as "Dad" , but when last time we saw him he was "Junior!!!" @lol@

Which one of the two relationships did you find more entertaining?

-Indy & Henry Sr.


-Indy & Mutt

This should be obvious...

Wheeljack35 - 2008-05-30 @ 1:51 am
actually George Lucas's dog was named Indiana.

...and believe it or not that is where he got the idea of Chewbacca from

JohnnyRebelV2 - 2008-05-30 @ 1:29 am

actually George Lucas's dog was named Indiana.

I AM SCI-FI - 2008-05-30 @ 1:09 am

I haven't seen the movie, yet, but I like how Indiana Jones nicknamed himself after his dogs name, and now his son also has a dog related name.

Capt.S.G.Wiseman - 2008-05-30 @ 12:34 am
Funny I thought when Indy called Mutt "junior" ,Mutt was going to say don't call me Junior

I know what you mean, because I was waiting for him to say it too. @lol@

Wheeljack35 - 2008-05-30 @ 12:16 am

Funny I thought when Indy called Mutt "junior" ,Mutt was going to say don't call me Junior

Indy and his father relationship was that old sitcom wah wah wah My dad was never there when I was a kid

Mutt doesn't look like he would go that route because Indy didn't know about him until he first met him at the train station.Plus Mutt in some ways acts like Indy

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