Hitting Bookshelves This Week...

By Bespin refugee on 2011-06-08 in Comics & Books
On shelves June 7th, Star Wars: The Clone Wars Magazine #5, from Titan Magazines, includes two all-new comic stories, a season 3 quiz, an article about the all-new Star Wars Miniland area at LEGOLAND, and a chance to win tickets to see it for yourself, as well as electronic lightsabers and Top Trump Tournament sets to be won

Due out Wednesday, June 8th from Dark Horse Comics, Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Lost Suns #1 (check out a preview here) is set concurrent with the game, and written by one of its senior writers, Alexander Freed, with pencils by George Freeman and Dave Ross, inks by Mark McKenna, colors by Michael Atiyeh, and cover art by Benjamin Carré.
(Source: StarWars.com)
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
CLAM34 - 2008-08-30 @ 1:25 am

we have lots of pegwarmers here.. Buzzer can still be found with ease, wave 4 Scarlet has been hanging around a few months... but as for newer figures:

Wave 7 Snake Eyes, Jetpack Duke, and Wild Bill (actually, there are more WildBills than anything in my town, its terrible).

Wave 9 has been sitting now too which is a surprise.. but I think its more because they ordered a ton of it. My nearest walmart has 5 pegs FULL of wave 9... all except the BATS and Serpents.

oh, and of course we still have loads of comic packs.. mostly Hawk/Scarlett still

Viper Hunter - 2008-08-30 @ 12:00 am
Not surprised that a Snake Eyes finally became a peg-warmer. This is like the 10th version. How many do we need?

Well, according to the Hasbro design team, we need just as many as it takes for them to get it RIGHT, darn it!

Oh...and it's because it's all in the name of satisfying the collectors, so as long as we b!tch and complain, you can expect MORE Snakes Eyes. Bless their wittle hearts....they TRY so hard to please and are willing to make MORE just to do it.

Cobra Command - 2008-08-29 @ 11:05 am

I just hope that at some point the Bats become peg warmers so I can stock up! Doubt it will happen though.

gojira77 - 2008-08-29 @ 6:51 am

I once saw about five Cobra Vipers hanging out with the Jet Pack Dukes on the otherwise bare pegs at the local Wal-mart. It was kind of unsettling... Then some amy-builder came to their senses and all the Vipers were gone the next day before I could come back and get one. Poor Duke was so lonely again.

I bet Falcon and the Nemesis will be the next comic pack 'warmers, once they aren't 'new' anymore.

hamsterboy - 2008-08-29 @ 5:04 am

General Hawk seems to be doing his fair share of nothing.

PhoenixSword - 2008-08-29 @ 4:38 am
Well, anything that's BARE...is more likely considered to be "cold"?

Take for example...a womans legs. When BARE, she complains about them being COLD, however, add a pair of LEG WARMERS, and she's all comfy cozy. If those pegs at the store are like those womans legs, they're nice and warm because those damn Wild Bills are keeping'em covered. They never move or go away and therefore just continue to warm the legs...I mean PEGS!

if woman's legs (or men's legs if you prefer) were pegs than i'm sure more people would be trying to take the pegwarmers away

also, if that's the case than wild bill is one lucky man

hoganvibe - 2008-08-29 @ 4:30 am

Army builders do very bad around here. I don't get it. I can still find plenty of Cobra Troopers with Jet Packs and CGs.

darthhenning - 2008-08-29 @ 4:06 am

Not surprised that a Snake Eyes finally became a peg-warmer. This is like the 10th version. How many do we need?


CLAM34 - 2008-08-29 @ 3:46 am
I was just thinking. Why is it called "peg warming"? If something sells good it is hot. So why not say if it sells bad and the pegs are not being touched call it peg freezing. If the stuff flies off the pegs that should be peg warmers or peg heaters.

I could say my pegs are hot and empty from everything selling out or my pegs are cold and there are a ton of Buzzers on them.

Where did the term peg warming originate from anyway?


a player that doesn't get off the bench (because he sucks) and put into the game, just keeps the bench warm

Blackmada - 2008-08-29 @ 1:07 am

That's one way of looking at it.

I know I am more comfortable when girls shave their legs. There is nothing comfy about prickly legs.

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