Heir To The Empire - The 20th Anniversary Edition

By Bespin refugee on 2010-09-30 in Comics & Books
In June 2011, Del Rey Books will celebrate the 20th anniversary of Heir to the Empire, the book that introduced Grand Admiral Thrawn and Mara Jade, with a special edition featuring insightful annotations on the text, as well an exclusive short story featuring Grand Admiral Thrawn. The book, and its sequels Dark Force Rising (1992) and The Last Command (1993), by Timothy Zahn, is set five years after the events of Return of the Jedi, and shows the heroes of the newly formed New Republic government now facing the threat of Grand Admiral Thrawn.
(Source: StarWars.com)
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Namor14 - 2009-02-13 @ 1:16 am

Just added Big Barda

Namor14 - 2009-02-03 @ 3:22 am

Updated both lists agian

nonameshmo30 - 2009-02-01 @ 5:20 am
I don't have much to trade but how much for these figures with shipping 27604 NC

DCUC Orion and Lightray

Hey where in NC I'm In NC too 27360 sup fellow NC"er

Jalal31 - 2009-01-31 @ 9:16 pm

I don't have much to trade but how much for these figures with shipping 27604 NC

DCUC Orion and Lightray

Namor14 - 2009-01-31 @ 6:11 pm

updated both lists again

Namor14 - 2008-12-06 @ 2:44 pm

Updated both lists again

lonewolf - 2008-12-01 @ 2:05 am

hey, i think i have access to a hellboy liz figure, im interested in your movie masters joker.

Namor14 - 2008-11-26 @ 9:09 pm
Is the DCUC Red Tornado classic or modern? I'd be interested in Etrigan, Red Tornado (depending on variant) ML Series 3 Magneto and BAF sentinel Torso. I have MM Joker Thugs and maybe an Ultron left (I'll check after work tomorrow). I gave one away a couple of weeks ago because the sculpt is just so damn bad.

The Red Tornado is classic

Chrisfunk - 2008-11-26 @ 3:53 pm

Is the DCUC Red Tornado classic or modern? I'd be interested in Etrigan, Red Tornado (depending on variant) ML Series 3 Magneto and BAF sentinel Torso. I have MM Joker Thugs and maybe an Ultron left (I'll check after work tomorrow). I gave one away a couple of weeks ago because the sculpt is just so damn bad.

Namor14 - 2008-11-26 @ 3:05 pm

Heavily updated both lists

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