2015 SDCC: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Panel Highlights (Video Added)

By Bespin refugee on 2015-07-11 in Conventions & Events
During 2015 SDCC, in Hall H, members of the cast and crew of Star Wars: The Force Awakens participated in a panel discussion, here are some of the highlights: (via @JoBlo.com)
On stage - JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan, and Kathleen Kennedy
Abrams says "they have a cut of Episode 7 done but are still editing"

Kasdan says," ...they wrote the script and two months later they're sitting in a Star Destroyer they built. Surreal."
Behind the scenes' featurette is shown
John Boyega and Daisy Ridley join
Boyega: 'Fav memory was taking Harrison Ford out and seeing starstruck fans.'

['General Hux' played by Domnhall Gleeson, 'Captain Phasma' by Gwendolyn Christie]
Adam Driver: ": I don't think of [Kylo Ren] as bad. Just wants something different.'
Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford(!) join
Fisher: 'It was just like before only we look more melted this time. In a good way though... Force melted.'
Ford: (on returning) 'It shouldve felt ridiculous. It was 30 years ago and I grew up. But it felt great.'

Afterward, the audience went to a special concert of John Williams music


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