Star Wars: The Black Series 6" Admiral Piett Figure Review & Images

By Jay Cochran on 2018-10-18 in Reviews
Hasbro has allowed us to grow out our Imperial army for the 6" Black Series line with this latest online exclusive figure based on the Admiral Piett character who was played by actor Kenneth Colley in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

The figure comes packaged in the same standard red and black box we see with all of Hasbro's Black Series figures and because it is considered an exclusive there is no numbering on it. The accessories for this figure are minimum. You get an imperial blaster made of black plastic which is not something you ever saw the character use in the movies as well as a removable cap.

Despite Hasbro starting to incorporate their photo real technology with these figures I still find some of the figures are hit and miss when it comes to the capturing the actors likeness. This one I am afraid is more miss tha hit. The over all sculpt seems decent but the paint applications, especially when it comes to the eyes are off just enough that it throws the look off. The recent Walgreens exclusive General Veers figure I thought did a much better job with regards to capturing the actors likeness than this one does.

The figure uses the same arms, legs and belt that we have seen used on previous Imperial Officer figures, but surprisingly it looks like Hasbro gave this one a brand new torso section. Besides having the different colored ranking and little pin things that are on the figure's chest, the wrinkles on the outfit are different from Tarkin and Veers as well.

I have to ding the figure a bit for not giving us as good a headsculpt as we have seen on the previous Imperial Officer figures in this line but otherwise I think the figure is pretty solid and worth getting if you are trying to grow out your Imperial forces. You can purchase this figure now at Check out more images for the figure below in our GALLERY!
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Jake_Botts - 2018-10-26 @ 3:29 pm

I actually really like Piett as a character. If I can get a hold of this figure, hell go great with Veers and DS trooper (who lead all my other troopers lol)

sXeblues - 2018-10-25 @ 6:15 am
5 hours ago, Bespin refugee said:

While a nice choice, I hadn't really thought about buyingPiett, until I saw him used as a 'generic officer' in a "Luke, it's a trap!' display. (I'd even used a 3 3/4" version in a similar set up, lol)I'm thinking about getting onenow...

I can see how that would work quite well, since his face is a bit less recognizable as the actor, as compared to Tarkin or Veers. Hed definitely work as a more generic stand-in, better than most others.

Bespin refugee - 2018-10-25 @ 12:58 am

While a nice choice, I hadn't really thought about buyingPiett, until I saw him used as a 'generic officer' in a "Luke, it's a trap!' display. (I'd even used a 3 3/4" version in a similar set up, lol)I'm thinking about getting onenow...

sXeblues - 2018-10-21 @ 3:07 am
12 hours ago, Spack said:

Has anyone else noticed the difference in the size of the rank plaque between Veers, Piett, Tarkin and the others? I know this may be knit-picking but to me Veers' rank bars and plaque seem to be much bigger than the others. Is his oversized or are the others undersized? When you put them together it seems out of wack to me. I am thinking that Hasbro does not have someone one to overlook continuity in their line.

I have noticed that, actually... I think Veers is just a hair larger than the other two. If they had downsized it just a little bit, it would be much closer in size to Tarkins and Pietts. And more closely reflect the way they all appeared on screen. Im wondering if the reason it was molded slightly larger though, has to do with making sure the spaces between the rank buttons or pips, remainedapparent. As Veers only had eight such buttons or pips. And, maybe making it any smaller wouldve made it harder for the silver lines between the buttons to stand out?I can live with it. But yea, it is definitely noticeable.

Spack - 2018-10-20 @ 2:36 pm

Has anyone else noticed the difference in the size of the rank plaque between Veers, Piett, Tarkin and the others? I know this may be knit-picking but to me Veers' rank bars and plaque seem to be much bigger than the others. Is his oversized or are the others undersized? When you put them together it seems out of wack to me. I am thinking that Hasbro does not have someone one to overlook continuity in their line.

sXeblues - 2018-10-19 @ 5:20 am

Not, I would say, thebestlikeness, but close enough, for me... Hes definitely going to be one Ill want to get my hands on.

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