S.H. Figuarts Revenge Of The Sith Anakin Skywalker Figure Video Review & Images

By Jay Cochran on 2018-10-12 in Reviews
erivera94 takes a look at the new S.H. Figuarts Revenge Of The Sith Anakin Skywalker figure from Tamashii Nations.

Check out images for this figure below in our GALLERY!
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sXeblues - 2018-10-23 @ 1:54 pm
On 10/21/2018 at 2:52 AM, FASVB said:

Their face printing tech is very advanced however they sometimes fail in minor things like the shading and applying metallic paint when they shouldn't. I know the head that you are talking about and yes, it's near perfection. Hot Toys perfection. Still, they are mostly better than hasbro and they have other advantages especially in the articulation and accessory departments.

Ah, I have actually seen that metallic paint crop up in some SHF figure reviews, usually as a part of lighter, blonde hair. Which always struck me as somewhat odd. I honestly dont know why, orwhat possessed them to, do that. And yea, Ive noted how the shading can sometimes make the faces look dotted, and such. But, thats usually highly emphasized under the macro-lens of a camera. And I really wonder if it would be as noticeable with average eyesight.

abnuggler - 2018-10-22 @ 12:55 am

Still waiting for mine to arrive, I would have liked anakin to come with 4 faceplates (the 2 regular and 2 sith faces, the missing one they could have just repainted the non screaming regular face to have the sith eyes), still it looks like a great figure. Cant wait to receive mine, with obi-wan and count dooku coming out next year hopefully we get a general grevious soon (even though the hasbro black series is looking pretty good)

FASVB - 2018-10-21 @ 6:52 am
4 hours ago, sXeblues said:

The only issue I have, apart from the lack of funds necessary to start collecting them and its a small issue is Hans head sculpt. Ive since seen a figure reviewer swap out the standard SHF Hans head with a third party custom that damn near looks like someone managed to 3D print Harrison Fords face, from back then. And it looks spectacular, compared to the Figuarts offering.Only, I dont think the guy that created it actually has them available to anyone else. So, thats always going to be a love/hate thing for me. I think SHFs figures look mostly phenomenal. But, their face sculpts sometimes leave a lot to be desired, to me.

Their face printing tech is very advanced however they sometimes fail in minor things like the shading and applying metallic paint when they shouldn't. I know the head that you are talking about and yes, it's near perfection. Hot Toys perfection. Still, they are mostly better than hasbro and they have other advantages especially in the articulation and accessory departments.

sXeblues - 2018-10-21 @ 2:31 am
11 hours ago, FASVB said:

They have everyone. The Farm Boy Luke is amazing. Chewie is a tad small, but it fits well with the scale of the rest. Han and Ben are also great. Obi-Wan is one of my all time favorite SW characters. I intend to have all of them.

Oh sorry. Leia will be released soon.

The only issue I have, apart from the lack of funds necessary to start collecting them and its a small issue is Hans head sculpt. Ive since seen a figure reviewer swap out the standard SHF Hans head with a third party custom that damn near looks like someone managed to 3D print Harrison Fords face, from back then. And it looks spectacular, compared to the Figuarts offering.Only, I dont think the guy that created it actually has them available to anyone else. So, thats always going to be a love/hate thing for me. I think SHFs figures look mostly phenomenal. But, their face sculpts sometimes leave a lot to be desired, to me.

FASVB - 2018-10-20 @ 3:01 pm
7 hours ago, sXeblues said:

If I had the funds, Id likely want to start with the New Hope SHF figures... Luke, Han, Obi-Wan, Leia and did they make Chewie? C-3PO Im on the fence about. Ilovetheir R2-D2, but the Threepio doesnt look quite right to me, for some reason.

They have everyone. The Farm Boy Luke is amazing. Chewie is a tad small, but it fits well with the scale of the rest. Han and Ben are also great. Obi-Wan is one of my all time favorite SW characters. I intend to have all of them.

Oh sorry. Leia will be released soon.

sXeblues - 2018-10-20 @ 7:22 am
16 hours ago, FASVB said:

I also have the BS Boba Fett. Actually was my first Black Series. The Maul was just impossible to get and I opetd for the SHF. I also have the Obi-Wan Padawan. Wanted the Qui-Gon, but it was exclusive and I missed the opportunity to get it at a lower price when the pre orders opened. Then it was too late.

If I had the funds, Id likely want to start with the New Hope SHF figures... Luke, Han, Obi-Wan, Leia and did they make Chewie? C-3PO Im on the fence about. Ilovetheir R2-D2, but the Threepio doesnt look quite right to me, for some reason.

FASVB - 2018-10-19 @ 3:12 pm
10 hours ago, sXeblues said:

I should clarify; The only SHF figure I have, and its also the only Star Wars SHF I have, is R2-D2... The Boba Fett and Darth Maul figures I got were the original Black Series releases. Eventually, I may want to dig more into the SHF Star Wars line. But, I just cant afford it.

I also have the BS Boba Fett. Actually was my first Black Series. The Maul was just impossible to get and I opetd for the SHF. I also have the Obi-Wan Padawan. Wanted the Qui-Gon, but it was exclusive and I missed the opportunity to get it at a lower price when the pre orders opened. Then it was too late.

sXeblues - 2018-10-19 @ 4:50 am
On 10/16/2018 at 8:03 PM, FASVB said:

I have a SHF Darth Maul. The original release, if not the second one. For a time it reached like an insane amount of cash. I really thought about paying that much, but I decided to wait. Lucky me I guy that brings figures from Japan got one for me at the same price that he first came. He had only one and I snag it. Sometimes you just have to wait. Now I am trying to do the same with the Ep IV Luke.

I should clarify; The only SHF figure I have, and its also the only Star Wars SHF I have, is R2-D2... The Boba Fett and Darth Maul figures I got were the original Black Series releases. Eventually, I may want to dig more into the SHF Star Wars line. But, I just cant afford it.

FASVB - 2018-10-17 @ 12:03 am
On 10/15/2018 at 8:28 PM, sXeblues said:

I wrestled with whether or not I would try to seek out bootlegs of Boba Fett and Darth Maul,some time last year... I mean, I did my research watched tons of video reviews and comparisons between the bootlegs and the legit releases, read up on the bootleg market, et al. And, in the early going, I told myself that I didnt care, that I just wanted figure versions of the characters, even if they were facsimiles. But, eventually I realized that, no, I didnt want to support the counterfeit market, and I reallywouldbe happier with legitimate figures.

So, I waited it out. Which allowed me to actually save up, all the while. And, I eventually managed to find original, unopened versions of both of them, for not too much money, through eBay. So, I was pretty happy about that. Even having had to pay a bit more than the original retail.

I have a SHF Darth Maul. The original release, if not the second one. For a time it reached like an insane amount of cash. I really thought about paying that much, but I decided to wait. Lucky me I guy that brings figures from Japan got one for me at the same price that he first came. He had only one and I snag it. Sometimes you just have to wait. Now I am trying to do the same with the Ep IV Luke.

sXeblues - 2018-10-15 @ 11:28 pm
On 10/14/2018 at 2:47 AM, FASVB said:

I have the first black series and with this one and the new photo real that Hasbro will release in the Archive collection, mine seems so outdated.

Im gonna be mad hoping to get my hands on the Archive one, as I entirely missed out on the initial release... In fact, I never saw him in any of my local stores, at the time. And, this was before I was a part of any real online toy and action figure community, so I wouldve never even thought to try to track him down online, at the time, if I was even aware that hed come out at all.

On 10/14/2018 at 2:47 AM, FASVB said:

I got it from my wife for my birthday like 3 years ago and even if I got these new ones (hopefully the SHF) I can't see myself giving up on my old one.

Thats pretty sweet... Ive got a few figures that Ive gotten as gifts, from my cousin or my sister, that I wouldnt ever want to part with. Not only because I love the figures and characters themselves, but very much because of the sentiment behind them.

On 10/14/2018 at 2:47 AM, FASVB said:

The thing that they got wrong in this figure to me is the height. You have to extend the legs to get it somewhat the right size. When compared to the Padawan you can't really see that, but there is a difference.

Yea, Ive seen that in a few reviews... I mean, its good that you can extend the legs to make him more size appropriate. But, it sucks that you actuallyhaveto do that, just to bring him to a more comparable size with the others in the line.

On 10/14/2018 at 2:47 AM, FASVB said:

Bandai si attempting to fight the massive bootlegs that are flooding the market in China so they will be making changes in the boxes. Small things. Sure the guys will end up also copying these security features, but at least is a nice attempt to get around these.

I know that they are much less expensive, but to me is just not worth it. There a lot of things that I want to buy, but I can't and I will not resort to fakes, because to me is just throwing away money.

I wrestled with whether or not I would try to seek out bootlegs of Boba Fett and Darth Maul,some time last year... I mean, I did my research watched tons of video reviews and comparisons between the bootlegs and the legit releases, read up on the bootleg market, et al. And, in the early going, I told myself that I didnt care, that I just wanted figure versions of the characters, even if they were facsimiles. But, eventually I realized that, no, I didnt want to support the counterfeit market, and I reallywouldbe happier with legitimate figures.

So, I waited it out. Which allowed me to actually save up, all the while. And, I eventually managed to find original, unopened versions of both of them, for not too much money, through eBay. So, I was pretty happy about that. Even having had to pay a bit more than the original retail.

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