Darth Maul Originally Planned For Disney+ Kenobi Star Wars Series?!?

By Bespin refugee on 2022-03-14 in Movie & TV

According to multiple sources, Ray Park was slated to return as Darth Maul for the Kenobi series, before it was rewritten to feature Darth Vader, instead.
In early 2020, there were repots production on the series came to a halt, in order for some rewrites to take place. Sources say Filoni and Favreau thought the story was too close to that of The Mandalorian. At that point, Park was said to be preparing to play Maul. although,"A Lucasfilm source contradicted the account, saying Maul was never intended to return for the series."

With the rewrites;, if the sources are to be believed, Maul was out, Vader and the Inquisitors were brought in.
(Source: THR)

Personally, if the Maul story is true, I'm glad it was changed; it feels like it would've been a massive rehash, if not retcon, of the storyline from The Clone Wars and Rebels. Unlike the 'end credit scene from Solo, how much time would be needed to explain Maul's journey from the end of ,i>The Phantom Menace?


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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
MagnaPrime - 2022-03-15 @ 1:43 pm

I'd rather see maul again in a crimson dawn series

SpiderS - 2022-03-15 @ 4:03 am

That would have been really cool to see, but I think after that Ray Park instagram incident it's not likely.

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