Debuting September 22nd on Disney+, Star Wars: Visions is an 9 episode anime anthology. talks to executive producer Josh Rimes and producer Kanako Shirasaki of Lucasfilm to find out about some of the characters introduced in these shorts.
The episode "The Elder" introduces 'Dan', a young padawan eager to see action.
"F", from the episode, "The Village Bride", is a mysterious cloaked and masked fallen Jedi with a great tragedy in her past.
'"The Ninth Jedi" features 'Kara' , who is " caught up in an unexpected destiny,...and faces the ultimate choice of her life.”
In "The Twins", Karre makes a choice to "free himself from a life that had been designed by the people around him.”
In "The Duel", 'Ronin " exists in a realm where old Kurosawa films, manga, Westerns, and Star Wars all collide
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