An all-new animated short "LEGO(R) Star Wars: The Resistance Rises - Poe to the Rescue" featuring popular heroes and villains from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" will premiere MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 (8:00 p.m. EST) on Disney XD.
"Poe to the Rescue" is the first episode in "LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises," a series of all-new animated shorts that take place prior to the First Order's attack on Jakku and tell never-before-told stories including Kylo Ren, Han Solo, Finn, Rey, BB-8, Maz Kanata and more.
Premiering immediately after Disney XD's highly anticipated "Gravity Falls" finale, the short will follow Resistance pilot Poe Dameron as he comes to the aid of Admiral Ackbar who is being held captive by Captain Phasma. Kylo Ren, C-3PO and BB-8 will also appear.
Airdates for the additional episodes will be released at a later date.
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