Star Wars Rebels "Brothers Of The Broken Horn" Preview - 'The Padawan And The Pirate'

By Bespin refugee on 2015-11-01 in Movie & TV

In this preview of the Star Wars Rebels episode “Brothers of the Broken Horn,” responding to a distress signal that originated from Vizago’s ship, Ezra arrives on board and instead finds the legendary swashbuckler Hondo Ohnaka! It turns out that Vizago lost his ship and his droids to Hondo in a game of Sabaac. Rolling with the tide, Ezra masquerades as fellow card player and scoundrel Lando Calrissian. An impressed Hondo expresses his admiration and makes an interesting proposition.

Star Wars Rebels airs on Disney XD on Wednesday @ 9:30/8:30 pm E/C


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