Star Wars: The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer Rumors

By Bespin refugee on 2014-11-22 in Movie & TV
Update - 11/22: Could we see the teaser trailer next weekend? SlashFilm's sources say it will debut "next weekend in 100 theaters nationwide, in front of every showtime for every single movie."

[11/20]: MakingStarWars has posted a more detailed description of the teaser from someone who is said to have briefly seen it, including characters and vehicles (obviously, this involves spoilers, if you're interested, you can read aout it here). There was also a rumor the teaser would debut with The Hobbit, but, SlashFilm's source says while it may run with The Hobbit, it won't debut with it, '...Disney has “bigger plans”...'.

[11/17] With John Williams rumored to have scored the teaser trailer this past weekend, the Bothan spies are now trying to find when/how we might see it. Whether it is attached to a movie, shown on tv, or released online, there are rumblings we could see it in the next four to five weeks. Sources with Badass Digest are said to have a description of the minute long teaser, which includes a soft, windwood version of "The Force Theme," played over images of the main leads. There's no dialogue, until the end, as a female voice (Daisy Ridley?) says "Wake up." It ends with the title, followed by the Millennium Falcon flying toward the camera, firing blasters.

390 days until the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens


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