Episode VII Villain Rumors

By Bespin refugee on 2014-08-16 in Movie & TV
One of the latest Episode VII rumors concerns the villain(s). According to Latino Review, an Inquisitor, like the one seen in Star Wars: Rebels, will be the threat, albeit, with cyborg features, including the robotic hand shown in the Force For Change announcement. Darth Vader is also said to make an appearance in some form (flashback? Force vision?), as well as new versions of stormtroopers, including chome versions with the ability to cloak.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Bespin refugee - 2014-08-17 @ 4:05 am
Episode VII Villain Rumors?
featofstrength - 2014-07-23 @ 4:14 pm


"Christie will play an antagonist. Specifically, John Boyega's commanding officer, who is angry at him for deserting and is trying to find him."

So...when did the Empire get so PC? Desperate times, I guess.

"The site speculates that Christie's part might have been gender-swapped in the face of disappointment over the film's initial extremely male-centric casting, considering an earlier rumour which suggested Benedict Cumberbatch was in talks to play an Imperial officer. "


"An update on the post muddies things a bit, with BD's sources saying the actress has, in fact, been training with a lightsaber, and that she could be a Sith (!)."


featofstrength - 2014-07-21 @ 1:29 pm

The return of Luke's original hand?




GASP* - Maybe the midichlorians in the hand guide it to its new destiny!?

Bespin refugee - 2014-07-11 @ 7:11 am
Another Episode VII Filming Location Uncovered?
yojoebro82 - 2014-07-09 @ 11:59 pm

From now until....oh, say, the first SW 7 trailer comes out....if anyone ever wants attention for any reason, they can simply go online and say, "I have leaked footage of Star War Episode 7!"

featofstrength - 2014-07-07 @ 1:12 pm


Devilbat - 2014-07-07 @ 7:16 am

Oh my gosh...that's not what I was expecting. That's awesome.

Wheeljack35 - 2014-07-06 @ 4:35 pm

VIDEO: Leaked Star Wars Episode VII Filmset Footage!

Ok Star Wars Geeks you will love this


hamsterboy - 2014-07-01 @ 3:53 am

Heavenly day...that would have been embarrassingly disastrous. Could you imagine? Even if they buried him in prosthetics and make-up, we would all be so distractingly aware of whose is, it would ruin whatever scene he was in. That was a huge dodged bullet in my opinion...

I'd imagine he would just jump up on a couch and start ranting anyways.

featofstrength - 2014-06-30 @ 3:45 pm

Harrison Ford to star in live action remake of "Up"

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